I have written a lot of stories that happen on other planets, far far away. It is always nice when science catches up with fiction (http://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-kepler-mission-discovers-bigger-older-cousin-to-earth). I know it is a bit of old news by now. It renew my fuel in writing fantasy novel on another planets. Usually, my mind's representation of other planets, in my writing, are similar to Earth for the vegetation. For the land masses, it is closer to Eurasia, for what I have in my mind. For the new discovery, it is a fascinating news. Of course, there isn't any picture of the surface of the planet. It is too far.
For sure, we won't be able to do what had been made for Pluto (http://www.space.com/11431-photos-pluto-charon-moons-dwarf-planet.html). What had impressed me the most is the heart shaped area. It it amazing the way our eyes and brain can detect shapes and forms. It is like the face on Mars (https://www.google.ca/search?q=face+on+mars&rlz=1CAASUB_enCA614CA614&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=634&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CBwQsARqFQoTCOWmxu6_8sYCFUmsHgod-qUO5w). I also learned that Pluto have many moons. I only knew about Charon. There are many moons orbiting Pluto. (https://www.google.ca/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1CAASUB_enCA614CA614&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=moons%20pluto). Their names (Charon, Hytdra, Nix, Styx and Kerberos) makes senses. Except maybe Hydra because that monster isn't originally living in Hades. As Hydra had been slayed by Hercules, I guess Hydra became a citizen of Hades in the afterlife. Kerberos is the three headed dog guarding the underworld. Styx is an important river of the realm of Hades. Gods and Goddesses swears oaths by that river. Charon is the one that help the souls get from one side to the other, in the underworld. Nix is the night.
I also found this video on an asteroid made of platinum: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2jpY-ND4AE
Thinking of this one, I am thinking: "Would be great to own my own source of platinum!" I would say the same thing for asteroid and meteorite that contain peridot and other semi or precious stones. Would be could to make jewelry made out of stones from space!
I find those discorveries inspiring. I had already have a few special places in my writing. One of them is inspired by the Grand Canyon but I don't have any river in my canyon. I am thinking in putting an conversation about stars and the sky in one of my stories. Always a good thing to get some expansion of the mind.
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