Monday, 13 July 2015

Isaac Asimov

For what I know, Isaac Asimov is among the most prolific writers in history.  He wrote on fiction and non fiction alike.  I also know that he had gone to university and was a learned person.  I envy his prolific career.  When I was a teenager, I encountered one of his book in the high school library.  It was the first book of the Foundation series.  I was curious and didn't knew the guy.  I started to read the book but have to stop when I encountered a mathematical formula.  At the time, I was really bad with math and a mathophobic.  Still is.  I don't know if he would be a better math teacher than the one I got in high school.

Later on, I met another person who started to read the series with robots.  That person was really into that kind of thing.  I learned more about Isaac Asimow as a writer and a person.  I didn't knew he had written about robots.  So, it kind of opened my eyes.  A scientific guy can write thought provoking science fiction.  I now know he had an impact with his three law of robotic.  I like the way he came with it.  If I remember, he got it with the help of his publisher, I think.

I envy him on a prolific level.  He wrote a lot of stuff.  It seems easy to look at him and back in time to say what I just said.  I don't know if it was easy for him to write.  From what I could read and heard about his stories, he seems to have done some thinking before writing them.  His science seems to be correct and plausible in his fiction.   He must have known his stuff.  I just wonder how he did it beside just sitting down and type down his stories on paper.

He isn't the only writer to have made an impact on litterature.  I just find amazing that this writer could come up with concept and ideas that have impacted the world.  Maybe it is what makes a extremely good writer in science fiction: seeing the possibilities, make educated guesses and weave it in a story.

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