Thursday, 30 July 2015

Crystal ball

I own a few crystal balls.  The one above is one of them. I like the inclusion in this one.  I have also an obsidian crystal ball and one obsidian mirror.  I haven't used them, yet.  For sure, I seems to be more attracted with crystal ball with inclusions (the little cracks, I do hope I use the right term!).

I like looking at them once in a while.  I also do this for my tarot decks.  I do that less often now but the desire to look at them is still there.  There is a certain beauty in crystal.  I think that Ancient ones fancied it was frozen water.  I think there is an appeal to crystal.  I still have an attraction to this stone, as with any stone.  It just that I can look through crystal.  I find it is so unusual in the realm of stone.

When I speak of my favorite stones, I think of obsidian and lapis lazuli.  Crystal doesn't comes to my mind.  It should.  I do have a lot of crystal on many forms, not just as crystal balls.  Maybe it is time to work more with this stone...

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