Monday, 29 June 2015

Part of a project Pebeo paint and mirrors

I made those disk with small mirrors and Pébeo vitrail paints.  I have put a few colors.  It gave out a nice effect.  I am please with the result.  I am thinking in doing necklaces with them.  I have bezeds that I can glue on the back.  I will not use them as earring, they are too big.  I also think they may be too heavy too.  It will be too weird on a diadem.  Anyway, I haven't done any diadem yet.  Should practice and learn how to do them before experimenting on the diadem front.  Maybe a bracelet.  Could be cooil to put 4 togethers to form the bracelet.  I don't know exactly how yet but I am ready for the challenge.  My first solution would be magnets. I will take a little bit of time to see if there would be other solutions for a bracelet.  I think it will be hard to set one of them on an hair barrette.   Barrettes are more bended than straight.

I like playing with material.  I also like to go toward the unexpected.  My mind isn't quite set on what will be done with them.  I will still brainstorm with them.  I want to come up with something unusual.  I do have another idea but I don't know if it will workable.  Maybe doing a bead stitch of some kind around it and doing an bezed with the beads.  I just don't know if it workable.  I don't have experience doing bead stitches around an item.  Maybne they could do as practice and an experiment.  Just using one and see it it will work.

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