Emotions can comes handy when it is time to create. It can be translated to a color. It can become a shape. In writing, it add to the text, giving the characters an human side. These are the good side of emotions. It is not directly lived. It is not personal. It is more a feel good thing.
Emotions can be messy when they become more personal and more directly involved inside us. I am not a big fan of emotions. I find emotions hard to live with. I would like to be emotionally suppressed. They are way to much to take care of. Too much hard to live with. Too much demanding, too much draining. It is where I would like to be a Vulcan. I am not good with emotions when they come too much personal.
Being able to escape from emotions would be good, even if it is temporarly. It would give me a break. On the other hand, I have to work with emotions. Mainly when it comes to writing. I can't escape it even if there are times where I would like some respite. I don't know if there is something that will come of the turmoil I live right now. The eomtions takes all the place. It is not fun. It d emand a lot of energy to keep in check. I don't know if I will be able to direct the raw emotions to something in the creative realm. I hope so.
It is time to plunge into writing, I think.
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