Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Chauvet caves and it's replica

Here is a text on the Chauvet caves and it's replica:

It talk a bit on the replica, on the Chauvet caves and briefly how it had been discovered, how the replica will preserve the original, the experience of going in the cave.  I like the part where they explain about the Lascaux caves and why they closed them.  All because of the human breath and bacteria.  Too sad they can't restaure the original.

I like the first picture.  It is a picture inside the cave: a bison, I think.  I find it look like a bison but I can be mistaken.  The person who had done this one was really good.  It is the kind of picture I like.  It touch something deep.  It is the beginning of art, in a sense.  Someone wanted to express something, even if the message is lost in time.  It is a bit misterious but talking to us in a primal level.  It is the beginning of something.  Because of this cave or other caves like that, i am able to create, to be a creative person.

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