Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Getting inspiration

I often look at project on various plateform.  Be it the internet, magazines, classes various crafting kits, etc...  I don't always really do as the project is illustrated.  I like better to use projects I see as a jumping point for other projects.  Sometimes it is unrelated.

In the soap class I had taken, I remember having putting some different colored soap cubes in one of my soap.  It had a nice effect.  I done it with halloween molds (pumpkins and skull) to make soap pieces in those forms.  After that, I took those pieces and put it in a bigger differently colored soap.  It had a nice result.  Since then, I have used those soaps.  I now regret not having taken some photos then.  I may try it again in the near future.

I have found a project where I like the combination.  I had done something similar with the little skulls soaps.  I had done them with shea butter soap and I had put them in colored transparent soap.  The project is here: http://candleandsoap.about.com/od/soaprecipes/ss/xmaschunksoap.htm?nl=1
It is done with soap bases.  It is chunks of colored soap in a white "enrobing".  Seeing the result, at the end of the tutorial is quite good looking.

It also makes me think of a unrelated technique that give a similar result but in jewelry: the rhinestones with epoxy clays.  When I started, there was only white and black epoxy clays.  Now, the palette is more varied.  I am not really into the bling thing.  But I am tempted to try with the new colors available.  I have found some here: http://www.amazon.ca/Crystal-Clay-2-Part-Epoxy-Green/dp/B009LSRCPI/ref=sr_1_4?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1418844012&sr=1-4&keywords=epoxy+clay
I will take one of them if I fail to find them at my craft store.

Monday, 29 December 2014

Candle making

Just saw this post: http://candleandsoap.about.com/od/holidayprojects/a/christmascandle.htm?nl=1
It is about Christmas mainly.  There is a little touch about candles.  Thinking of it, candles are a perfect fit with the holidays.  Candles are perfect to set a soft glowy mood.  They can be decorative.  I like those who are scented.

I do have many scented candles.  I buy from dark candles (http://darkcandles.com/)  I started to buy there before I learned to do candles.  I like the scent they have for their candles.  I can't find the scent they use in the craft stores I go.   On the dark candles website, they do have simmering oils but I don't think it can be used in candles.

I know of the Black Phoenix Alchemy lab (http://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/) do have scent.  I just haven't look closely enough to see if they have similar scent that Dark Candles uses.  I haven't bought anything there in a while.  They have nice scent.

I have done some candles.  Both in a class in a craft store and in home.  I haven't done any since a while.  Maybe it is time to do some again.  I just have go buy some wax.  I also think I will buy some wax sheet.   It is a fun way to do candles too.  I think I will show the result to some people.  Maybe they will like it too!

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Christmas wonderland, winter photos

The photos talk of themselves.  It is winter and there is snow.  Today, it is Christmas.  I wanted to do soemthing different.  I am thinking to start to take photos again.  It is a nice past time but it will help me for my tarot too.  I will take some photos this summer.  I have a few ideas of some places where I want to take some photos.  It will makes good photos, as I hope to take good ones.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014


Absinthe have a part in the history of creativity.  There was a time where it was really popular.  Some famous writers and artists were drinking absinthe.  It is making a coming back.  Recently, I bought some to try.  I found a few videos on the subjet.

Here are a debunking of some myths about it and some infos:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxOGv6jHRKE&index=833&list=WL It show how it is made.

Here about the history of absinthe:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTvx11Fsq9g&index=814&list=WL  About history, alcohol content, an interesting bohemian way of drinking absinthe, a lot of explanation and some tasting.

A visit to absinthe makers:

Here are a few videos on how to drink it and the tools:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HkH1glleNs&index=833&list=WL  It show two ways to prepare absinthe.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AWNmRd_Ab8&list=WL&index=833  It show how to do absinthe without any fountain.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaUYgo0T3mg&list=WL&index=828  It show without a fountain.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57V1ukdo5fM&index=842&list=WL  It show the Czech technique of drinking it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiodSnP2AIc  Another one on the Czech technique of preparing it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NntaiAu419c&index=838&list=WL To look if you are in a hurry.

There are cocktails that can be made with absinthe.  It is two of them:

I even found an absinthe popsicles:

A French documentary on absinthe in two part:

There are other good videos out there.  I only saw a few that where a little bit less good.  I even saw one that had a humoristic tone.  Absinthe is like other drink but many artists where fan of it.  Just though it would be good to inform people about it, for this time of year.  As for every drink, drink responsively.

I suggest taking it after eating, as a digestive.  The effects I got was being light headed and seeing clearer.  It also aid for the digestion.  The smell and taste is licorice, at least for the absinthe I drank.  I drank with both sugar and no sugar.  The sugar mask a little bit the taste and there is a bit of the sugary taste in it.  It have more the taste of licorice without sugar.  I took Absente, it is a French absinthe from Provence.  The alcohol content is 55% and the bottle contain 750ml.  There is an autoportrait of Vincent Van Gogh on the carton the bottle is in.

Monday, 22 December 2014

I have found the magician!

I have found another card for my personal tarot card.  It will be the Magician.  I think it is the perfect fit for the Magician.
I will have some ajustment to do.  Mainly centering on the child.  This photo is from my personal photo file.  It is the first card that have someone in it.  It was taken on the spur of the moment.  Nothing planified.  Maybe it is better that way.  It was unexpected and it is fine with me.  As it is an "accident", it force me to see things from another angle.  Now, I have another direction to explore.

When I first had the idea of a personal tarot deck, I haven't thought of putting people on the cards.  I was thinking of statures, buildings, inanimate objects, outside scene including park, trees and the like.  My thoughts on making a personal tarot was limited to that.  I thought I would have enough material to make 78 cards.  Now, as I do the process, I see I may expand a little bit on that.

During the creative process, it is not always going according to plan.  Diverting from the expected can be a good thing.  Well, in this case, I think it is.  I can go on and limit myself to what I thought.  On the other hand, I haven't found any better Magician.  This photo will do perfectly for now.  No card is set in stone right now.  I haven't crossed the path of a statue that have a similar posture, so, I will take the photo as it is.  Who know if I find another photo that is even better?

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Peyote stitch and a Christmas gift.

I am happy when I am able to practice what I learned in classes.  I took many classes.  There isn't always the occasion to practice.  Ths year, I had practice one technique that I learned in a class on plastic.  I haven't practice much since the class.  While doing the gift, I kind of regret it .  I had show it to a person, to see if it was okay.  It is a necklace and some component are with plastic in it.  Here is the result:
 The plastic part could be a little bit better.  I am not totally satisfied with it.  It was the first time I was using the plastic outside the class.  I use the little oven I use for polymer clay (fimo).  I have gained experienced for sure.  It is just that more experiment is needed for me to be satisfied.  Otherwhise, the necklace is great.  I just hope it will be durable.  It is one of the thing I doubt when making jewelry, especially as gift.

Another technique that I learned a while ago.  It was seven years ago.  It was peyote stitch.  I loved that technique and I have used it quite often since.  I have done many rings with that technique.  Here are a few example:
I like being able to play with the type and colors of beads.  I became quite good at it.  I like doing it too.  Three years ago, I even made a bracelet with that technique.  I just haven't finished it yet.  I haven't found any closing for that bracelet.  I haven't searched hard.  I think it is time to search for that a little bit more actively.  I am not into needlework but the peyote stitch is something I like enough to pass over the needle.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Show and tell: Knitting.

I do knit.  I consider myself a beginner.  I say that because I know the basic of knitting.  I know how to begin and end a project.  I know the various stitches.  Beyond that, it is not very a useful thing.  I have a really vague idea on how to make socks but I don't knot if it is realistic.  I don't know how to do mitten and other wintery stuff.  Can't do sweater either.  Doing ribs, I am not sure.  Maybe I learned about it but I don't remember.  I don't know if I can do rib.  I only know how to do scarves, bags and blankets.  So, this is why I consider myself a beginner.
I have started a blanket for a child.  Here are where I am.  I still in the beginning:
It is a nice pattern.  It is the first time that I use that checkered pattern.  It is going good enough.  I ain't slowed down by the complexity of the patter.  It is goind better than I had expected.  It is fun to make.  So, this project won't be a burden.  It will just take some time, as for any blanket.  I stil work on it on my free time.

Now, here a project I would like to make:
It is the last pair of sock I got from my grandma.  I no longer fit in them.  Never wore them either.  I keep them more for a sentimental reason.  I know they are a bit flashy.  It gives a bit a eye's migraine.  But I wouldn't trade them.   Maybe, one day, I will learn how to make them.  Would be nice to find a place where to learn to make socks.  I can go for written instruction.  The only thing is I can't ask question to the instructions.  No one there to watch over my shoulder and say if it is okay or not.  This is why I like taking class: to know the basis, to ask question, be able to makes errors and how to fix it in a safe environment, to be able to get an interaction and see if I am going in the right direction.

Monday, 15 December 2014

A source of spooky monsters

It is on deep sea creature.  There are many others like that out there.  Not all of them are made by the same person.  It is a good thing and can be entertaining.

It is not thought provoquing, as by triggering deep and philosophical thoughts.   It makes me think it could be great material.  So, my brain is working toward writing and creativity.  It doesn't take me much to go into brainstorming.  Many creature in the video above mentioned would be perfect candidate for monsters, real or folklore, to put in a story.  Nothing definate beside that.  I need to think of it further more.  It is a start.  As it is presenting itself, I am more inclined to spread them in the stories I have already written.  None of them are finished, so incorporating them will be easy.  The structure of the stories are there.  Just to add some bonus material to spice it up.

I know, the writing aspect is easy to make.  It is the first thing that jumped at me while I look at the video.  Writing was my first conscious creative medium, so it is a bit normal that I think of it first.  After an intensive month of writing, in November, I deserve some vacation on that level, for December.  It is just on the mental level that I am working right now, especially for writing.

For jewelry making, I am thinking of putting some spikes, in various length. In that area, I don't have much of spikes.  It will definitely be adding to my style.  I don't have encountered any fluorescent pieces.  I doubt it would be a brillant idea.  I could go with forms.  It would worth a try.  I am not really good but i am ready to try.  It would be a great learning experience.  I think I would have an idea in that area.  It would be fun to makes experiences.  I do have some "mad science" tendency.  I like to try things and see how it will work out.

Talking of "mad science", I don't know if a fluorescent soap would be a good idea.  There is no dye that have that effect.  My daughter would definitively like that!  I would also have fun by putting some pieces of fluorescent soaps in clear and non fluoerescent soap.  Would be fun to see the result!  I know there are product to give a pearlescent effect and I have them.  I have used it once or twice for liquid soap.  I will try it in the next batch of soap I will make.

This is why I like trivia pieces.  It can be expended in so many direction. 

Thursday, 11 December 2014

The importance of taking notes

A notebook is always a good idea.  Taking notes when ideas comes is even better.  There are a few minor incident where I didn't took any notes, thinking I would remember them.  Dead wrong!  Even if I have a good memory.  Even if I have commited many things in my head.  Even if I could retrieve many ideas and stories from my head.  With all the good intention of the world, there are time where it is a must to take notes.

It should have gotten in my head by now.  It is especially true when I have "fleeting ideas".  Those ideas comes on suddenly and they are at risk to depart suddenly.  Even if I think hard to keep them in my head, it is of no use.  It is even worst when they aren't coming in with words.  It is where I should stop and think hard.  It is strange on how ideas can comes and they needed to be fixed with images, symbols, words.  Sometimes, just one could work, other times, it takes it all of them.  I don't like when it happen but I better learn to note them.  One good step in the process of doing it right: I have started to recognize them.  Now, I have to take the next step: note them to better fix them in my mind.  I think I like this: note them to fix them.  It is catchy enough.  Could help me.  I will try that next time I got one.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014


A little while ago, I had started a blanket for a child.  The child in question had chosen the color of the yarn and the design she want for the blanket.  I ain't far.  I stoped because I prioritize writing in November.  I don't know why but I kind of forgot I could go on with the blanket.  Now that I think of it, I will resume knitting.  At least, I don't wait too long to proceed in that project.  I know somebody who took 16 years to finish a knitted baby suit.  It just too long for me.  I can't wait that long to end something.

I know knitting, well the very basic.  I know how to start and how to finish.  I know the basic stitches.  I learned that a long time ago.  I was a child when I learned.  My mom tried to teach me that.  It wasn't easy.  As pretty much everything she tried to teach me.  She is right handed and I am a lefty.  So, it was difficult for her to adapt things for me to understand.  On my side, I was working hard to understand and adapt what she was showing me.  What I found the worst is that my mom lack patience in that area, even if she did her best.  There was only macrame where we got success.  It is one rare instance where we didn't have any difficulties because both hands were involved.

In the end, I learned knitting from my grandma.  She showed me the basic.  The only problem, at the time, was that I slip a lot of stitches.  There was time where I was able to catch them right away.  Other times, I couldn't, even if I tried.  In those cases, I was undoing the piece to start again.  There was also times where I saw I lost a stitch later on.  At the time, I didn't knew that to do, so I also rip everything to start anew.  With time, I stopped to knit.  My grandma didn't show me how to do more advanced and useful project.

Now, I kind of regret not asking her to show me more, even if I wasn't perfect at the time.  She was doing a lot of socks.  They were stripped socks.  She was using leftovers from other projects to do her socks.  She was buying that in a thrift store where people left old clothes and leftover yarns.  I think it was all she could afford.  I don't know where her socks were ending when she finish them.  I never asked her.  I know I had a few pairs she had done.  I would have liked to learn that from her.

On the other hand, I started again to knit a few years ago.  It was maybe 7-8 years ago.  When I restarted, I was happy to see I didn't forgot how to knit.  Another big point: I was loosing fewer stitches and I was more able to pick them up again.  I was also able to repair some stitches that where a few row back.  So, my case isn't hopeless.  I think I just needed some time to get better at it.

Monday, 8 December 2014

In need of crafting

I liked my month of November.  I wrote a lot and it was a while that I didn't write as much.  It was something I needed to do.  Now, I think I have enough of writing.   It is time to go toward other forms of creativity.  I feel the need to go toward other cafts.  Of course, Christmas is just around the corner.  Gifts are already made.  The only thing I need to do is the packaging and wrapping.  I think it will be quickly done.  My wrapping is a no brainer.  Soap goes to nice boxes with waxed paper to separate the layers of soaps.  Jewelry goes in little bag and in little boxes I bought at a craft store.

All this is fine.  On the other hand, I want to do some crafting.  The problem is that I don't know exactly which one to select.  I don't have to do any for gifts or for a specific purpose.  I could do something just for the pleasure.  Again, it doesn't help me choose.  I can choose anything for that purpose.  I don't have any precise ideas of a project either.  Maybe I sound I have too much choice.  I am in a period where I can do anything without any precise intent.

Am I unable to do free form crafting?  Would be a good time to pick one material and go from it?  Maybe it is something I should try.  Could be a good idea.  I do have a little bit of spare time.  Nothing to loose by trying.  I don't remember doing something like that.  Or I had done it but it wasn't quite the same context.  In any way, I should try to go into this unknown part that I never really tried before.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

People and their personal path

Lately, I took a online writing class.  One of the exercise was to write a letter from the point of view of a writer.  I had choose Gaston Leroux, thinking that it would be easy.  I was a bit wrong.  I made a quick research on him.  I made a few unexpected discoveries on him.  First, there is a website who deal with his intellectual rights (http://www.gaston-leroux.net/).  Of course, the website is in French.  I don't know if they will do something to translating it into English.  After all, The Phantom of the Opera is his most well known book.  It had numerous movie adaptations.  This story have a great curve appeal.  In a sense, it can be the modern version of Beauty and the Beast, least the happily ever after for Erik, the phantom.

It was a bit different in the living years of Gaston Leroux.  When he was alive, the Phantom of the Opera wasn't that popular.  It became more popular as movies were made from it.  So, when Leroux was alive, his most popular character was Rouletabille.  Rouletabille is a reporter.  I have seen one of the two movies made on Rouletabille.  I haven't read the original books on him.  I have found a box set of the two movies made on Rouletabille (http://www.amazon.ca/Rouletabille-Coffret-2-DVD/dp/B00009QI6S/ref=sr_1_1?s=dvd-en-francais&ie=UTF8&qid=1417298552&sr=1-1&keywords=rouletabille).  What frustrate me is that they are European DVD.  It is uncompatible with the machine I have.

Gaston Leroux had an interesting career.  He didn't started as a writer.  He studied in law and worked in that domain for three years.  To gain a little bit more money, he covered some court case.  As he gained some contact in the journalism field, he quit law and became a journalist full time.  He covered many big court case (the Dreyfuss' affair among other) and some other big news outside the courthouse.  He start to write some stories and end up quiting journalism to become a full time writer.  Near the end of his life, he also became a producer and screenwriter for a filming compagny.  That film compagny is quickly bought by Pathé-Cinéma.

So, this guy have quite an adventurous career path.  He wasn't affraid to jump from one to the other.  I wonder what have motivated him to accept the offers he had been given and also the choice he made.  I didn't seen anything on these motivations.  I know that his experiences had an influence on him and his writing.  It show in Rouletabille and the Phantom of the Opera.  The character of Joseph Rouletabille is also a reporter, as had been Leroux.  For the Phantom, it show in many ways.  I had read the Phantom.  The tone of the narrator is one of a reporter.  There is also a few elements that had been influenced by the news or by people.  For example, Christine is modeled by a famous opera singer of the time.

I don't know if I would find the process he had gone throught to makes his decision and do what he did.  I may find more on him and answer my questions looking at other hints elsewhere.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Discovery of a Venus made of chalk

I found two article on a discovery of a Venus made of chalk.  All the details here:


It was in pieces when discovered.  It is only when reassembled that the scientist realised it was a Venus.  I am not a fan of those prehistorical Venuses.  I found them a little bit crude, even if there is a few who have a aesthethic beauty to them.  Of course,  I should not compare them to the statues of the classical period of Greece.  It wasn't used with the same intention and the level of crafting is different.

What I find more interesting is more about the longevity of arts.  The one who made this small statue was a artist.  He had a special ability to make an object.  He could carve a rock, even if it was soft.  He put some time on it.  I don't know anything about this artisan.  The creator of the piece may be a simple person living in a tribe and doing the same task as the others.  His little extra contribution was this statue.

I like to be reminded for how long creativity and arts had been with us.  The meaning and purpose of pieces like this chalky Venus or the painting of Lascaux or Chauvet are witness of the evolution we had made.  It prouve they needed an outlet to express themselves.  It had been true in the past as it is to the present.  It is not only something used to solve problems or to adapt.  It is a need that goes further than that.  This is why I find this discovery important.

Monday, 1 December 2014

I survived Nanowrimo!

I survived Nanowrimo! (http://nanowrimo.org).  I finished on November 27th.  I think that usually, I finish a little bit earlier (like more on the 25th).  On the other hand, it went smoother this year.  I was more constant in my writing.  I wrote everyday, even if there was a few days where I didn't wrote much.  I think that taking some advance in the beginning was also a good thing.

On the flip side, I had a few moments where I wanted to throw the computer far away and go to crush it like a cigarette butt.  I had some place where I felt stuck in my story.  I had to let my mind work on it.  I was lucky to find ways to go on.  I didn't need to pick a card in a tarot deck.  In the past, it had help me to look at the pictures to keep going.

My other main problem was with the word count.  In years past, I never had problem with the word count.  The word count I had on my word processor was matching with the nanowrimo word count validator.  This year, it was different,  I got a new computer during the month and I had to change the word processor.  It is a bit saddening that I had to change my word processor.  On another hand, I had to upgrade it because of the new computer.  I didn't really had the choice but to move along.  So, my first try to validate my word count on the website of nanowrimo, there was a difference between my word count I had on my computer and the word count validator of nanowrimo.  By chance it was something like 200-300 word difference.  I quickly fixed it by doing a small last scene with mumbo jumbo.  It also opened the door to keep my mad scientist alive in the dumbest way possible.  He is a lucky guy.  If I do the story about the werewolf top secret military secret next year, I will bring back my mad scientist.

Now, I feel being in vacation.  I need to bring my sanity back and get some sleep.