Tuesday, 10 June 2014

There is more to safety.

In the last few days, I rediscovered the danger of beads and small children.  In general, children are attracted to beads.  Here how it is working.  Children, around 4 to 5 years old and up,  like to play with it.  They start to understand what can be done with them.  This is an interesting period where they can be taught some basic techniques.   They can be given some beads with big hole and yarn.  Later on, the yarn can be downsized to threads.

For younger children, 3 years old and down, it is trickier.   They seems curious about beads.  They look at it.  There is also the period where they put everything in their mouth.  The young children need to be closely watched around beads.  When I say watch, it is closely and constantly watched.  They can't be put away from the beads.  They always come back to look at them.  The younger they are, the more true it is.

One child and beads is well enough.  Two children around beads and it can be very tiring.  Especially  if they are from the two groups previously mentioned.  Each one being attracted for their own reason.  One being able to say she was to make something.  The other one trying to catch one and isn't distracted by her other toys.  It can quickly becoming nightmarish.

So, this would be one more thing to take into consideration when doing some jewelry making.  Protecting the surface is not enough.  Stay alert for little fingers.  It is true for the beads.  It can also be true for the pliers too.

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