Monday, 23 June 2014

The grotte Chauvet is on the World Heritage list

I know it is more an news than anything.  The grotte Chauvet is on the Unesco's World Heritage list.

It is not really something very crafty, I know.  It is old cave art.  I admire the people who had done the paintings.  They may have felt a bit like me, an urge to create something more permanent.  It is incredible it stood the test of time.  They have created something with the tool they had.  It is not a painting as we see in museum, classic like Monet, Picasso or Van Gogh.  They are classic in a more primitive way.  It is also a testimony on the creativity of our ancestors.  Even if they were in a more simpler time, they had talent.  They were able to reproduce animal forms.  They observed their surrounding.  They were also among the first to express themselves in a unique way.  It was unique in their times.  Now, we can see cave art on walls, as graffitti or murals.  For us, it is nothing new when we looks at those murals.

By chance, we still marvel at those old cave art.  On some level, we recognize it's importance.  It had helped define us in a unique way.  I feel awe when I look at them.  I also feel infuse by that art.  It is as other elements that had influenced me in the past.  I feel inspiration while looking at those creature of a time past.  It would incredible to be able to reproduce those more primitive work of art in a jewelry piece, for example.  Just the outline.  I think they would be still recognizable in those simple form.

It speak to me on a more primitive level, without words.  It is stirring something deep in me.  In a sense, when I am creating, I may search to recreate that feeling.  To recapture the past.  It is not nostalgia.  It is something that can't be explained with words.  Something true and to express something deep, with meaning.

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