Monday, 13 May 2019

Less known people that deserve to be known

I found an interesting video on youtube.  It is on 10 historical figures we've pretty much forgotten:
I already knew about Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley but I was fascinated by Elijah McCoy.  I wish they talk a bit more about his inventions related to train.  Would be fun to see him covered on the Biographics channel (  He would deserve it.

History is such a big topic, there is much that could be covered.  Well known peoples seems to be a version of photogenic but for history.  I wonder who choose to pick famous historic peoples.  Napoleon Bonaparte is sure a big guy in history but he is not the only one.  Napoleonic complex is part of his character but it doesn't explain all his coverage in history.  There were other persons of interest in the time of Napoleon: people like Czar Alexander, Talleyrand (French politician and a diplomat (,  Duke of Wellington and Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher (the latter two of the Battle of Waterloo fame).

People are not well versed in history and I think that we would all benefit from interesting history classes.  History is crammed with important dates and big names in history.  Classes should also present other history facts that are important too.  It is not just Oppenheimer who developped the atomic bomb.  There was other people with him.  There is another of his colleage mentioned in the video mentionnned above.  It was a team effort and every participant should have the credit into this research.  It is not the most glamorous of our discovery but it was truly a team working together toward a goal.  The goal is really a wartime effort.  Now, with all the events related to the atomic bomb, we are supposed to be wiser and with more knowledge.  It took two dropped bomb to gain all this knowledge and this is why history is important.  Without knowledge in history, we stumble into the same thought patterns and we repeat the error.  History is not just learning some dates.  History is about the various process that connects various dates together.

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