Monday, 4 March 2019

Another lack of motivation

I think I have a problem with motivation on some kits I recently purchased.  It is curious that, in store, I thought it would be interesting but in home, motivation is no longer there.  First, after trying kumihimo, there is no interest in the end.  Now, it is the two faced lacing kit.  I got figured out the project I want to try.  I found the wire that would be best suited.  I also made the form:
As I thought, not perfect.  Now, I have to do the next stesp and I feel stuck.  Not in a hurry to do it either.  I feel I feel a lack to do it.  No motivation.  There also the problem that I want this project to be already finish and perfect.  Wthi this start, it won't be purfect.  Too harsh on myself?   Maybe,  It is my first try to do a form with wire and it show.  In it self, it is not really motivating to continue.  I hope this streak won't become a trend!  It may also be a sign for me to take a stop in trying new things and concentrate on the projects I already have under way.

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