Thursday, 26 October 2017


Workshops are great.  It comes in various forms and on various topics.  It can be with a group in a room.  It can be online.  In any case, it end up being a learning experience and gained knowledge.  I always had a positive experience from workshops I attended.  There is also the fun to meeting new people.  It can lead to friendship.  People have interest in the theme of the workshop, so it makes connection between people easier.

I am currently in a workshop that is spread over many weeks.  The big main theme is teenagers.  Each week, there is a ressource that come speak of a topic.  For example, one evening, someone came to speak about law and social media.  Another week, there was a person coming to talk about anorexia and boulimia.  Another week, it was on gambling.  Most recently, it was on suicide.  I don't remember all the topics but there are many.  I would like that mental illness could be added to the mix because it can appear in that period of time.  I guess I could make the suggestion.  The person that organize this is open to suggestion.  I don't know if she can cram it up in the 10 weeks we have.

It is not the first time that I take this kind of workshop.  I took one that was aimed to children from 0 to 5 years old twice (a few years apart and given by a different person each time).  It is on top of taking workshops on writing (online on (, taking jewelry workship (on earring in a place that no longer exist) and some various crafting workshops (like soapmaking, fimo, candle making) in a craft store.  All of this was not a waiste.  I found each workshop useful.  It opened some doors, giving me access to new ressources.  People were great in each workshop.  Very useful.  There should be more of this.

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