Monday, 19 June 2017


As I watched Crash Course Mythology (,   It is about the flood in the Near East.  I thought «There are people who are great storyteller».  I don't know why I thought that at that moment.  It just came in my mind.   It is also a true thought.  I know people who are great stroytellers, in their own way.  I think it is something universal.  Everybody can find great storytellers around them.

I am not a good oral storyteller.  I hope that I am better on the written side, where I have time to choose my words.  I wonder how good storyteller spin their story, how they do it to keep their audience interested.  It can be artform.   Can also be an disapearing artform.  It is not widespread.  There isn't much oral storytellers making a living.

Thinking along those lines, I thought about oral storytelling stoires that made their ways into bookform.  One famous example is the Kalevala (  or the fairytales of the Brotthers Grimm (  It seems to be the future of storytelling along with movies and tv shows.

I just wondier if there is still a place for storytelling around a fire ground in the summer, for those who are still doing it.

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