Thursday, 29 June 2017

Missunderstood or hostility

There are people who don't understand or have a unvaforable view on the artistic life.  It is a bit saddening.  They don't see the importance of creativity or arts in everyday life.  It is not an affair of museum and dusty cobweb.  There are piece of art everywhere now.  Inside homes, in big buildings, outside and in public transit.  Part of art have an everyday application.  For example: photographers.  The domain is vast.  There are those who do only sports, only news, only weddings, only portraits, only nature, only cinema, only horrors of wars,  only what I have not thought right now.  It cover art in the purest form to practical day to day grounding and sobering art.

Cuttiong all form of artform is not practical and is not the thing to do.  Art can have a large definition.  In addition, art cover creativity.  Creativity can be practical.  Creativity can help solve problems.  People don't always think all the way to the end, the ramifications of their missconception.  Cutting creativity would cut soap opera, tv shows, painting, photo, cinema, books, danse, music, even sport because sportpeople put their domain into an artform.

The poor artists who die without recognition and fame is so out of date.  Some people seems to cling on that prejudice.  In our modern world, artists can have a bussiness side.  They can pull their strings from the vast field of creativity.  They know how to make a living.  They can be trustted in making their way into the world.  Artists deserve an upgrade in the old views of their trade.  It is not like in the old times where social media were not as technological and fast as today.  Prejudice no longer need to be glued to artistic people.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

A theory on artists and their arts

While discovering new artists that I didn't knew before or learning more on famous ones, I ended up with a theory on artists.  It is best to know the artist and his life.  Why?  It help understand their work, their art.  Symbols are universal and personal at the same time.  To decode the symbols of the artist, we must know how to interpret it.

To do so, we must know the artist on a personal level: be it his background like family and personal trauma of the past but also the period of the art too.  Each piece of art have it by what had shaped it.  The immediate experience that have triggered the piece of art.  The symbols are not always conscious.  I know that I have a lot of unconscious art under my belt.  I only start to see some element of symbolism in what I do, in written form.

The process of creation it very a personal process.  I like to see other artists in the act of doing, of creating in their main art.  I like to see their personal twist on some techniques.  Learning about an artist is becoming closer to his artwork.  Acknowledging this makes me understand the peoples who study art, artists and any person that work in the creative field.  It only makes me wanting to learn more on the creative process, the artists and their arts.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Sidewalk tree trunk with a branch

Paradolia, seeing patterns or familiar things in our surrounding,  It seems to be more and more in my life.  I seems to see familar shapes everywhere.  Too much practice or a too fertile imagination?
I found this photo:
The asphalted parts look like a tree trunk iwth a branch.  It is what I see.  Of course, it isn't a real tree, it just look like one that is on the ground.  It is in my imagination.  The place doesn't move at all.  It is akin of the spaceship tree (;postID=8857784221154598566;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=4;src=postname).  I may be in a process to see more of my surrounding and more into seeing shapes.  I enjoy doing that, even if it isn't always on the spot.  It was the case with the above photo. It is only when I looked at the photo that I saw the tree and branch shapes.  For the spaceship tree, I saw it right away, while I was beside it.

Another part into this is all the photos that I take with trees in them.  I like the shapes trees can take.  There is also the two ugly trees (;postID=1170695786913894355;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=8;src=postname).  Trees seems to take an impartant part in my life, or I just  becoming conscious of their part in my life.  In both explanation, it end up that I see trees everywahere.  There are time where I find there isn't enough trees in some parks.  An obsession?  Maybe but I just hope it is an healphy one.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Soapmaker mold

I like the mold that I have for soap making.  My favorites are the one made out of silicone.  I like them because they have nice shapes like my favorite one: snowflakes!  It gives nice, crisp and beautiful end result: an original snowflake soap:
I am sure there are other nice soap mold on the market.  I am keeping an eye out in finding more.  I haven't made soap in a while.  Start to miss doing that.  I should make some soon again.  Just for the fun of it.

I like to make nicely shaped soap.  It makes me an original soapmaker.  Well, it could be my trademark in the future.  Maybe the next step would be to make myself my mold.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Girls and stickers

It can happen when girls meet stickers:
I would call this the «door of stickers».  Now, I wonder if I will unstick them from there or leave it be for the time being.  Children and stickers are a match made out of heaven for sure.  The two mix too well.  From now on, I will have to keep a close eye when the girls get stickers in their hands.

As a side note, I think I am seeing a pattern: the stickers seems to form the hair.  The center of the photo is the face.  Down, there is the neck.  Could be a girl or a nice jokers, as you want.  I just get tired of seeing pattern every where.

Monday, 19 June 2017


As I watched Crash Course Mythology (,   It is about the flood in the Near East.  I thought «There are people who are great storyteller».  I don't know why I thought that at that moment.  It just came in my mind.   It is also a true thought.  I know people who are great stroytellers, in their own way.  I think it is something universal.  Everybody can find great storytellers around them.

I am not a good oral storyteller.  I hope that I am better on the written side, where I have time to choose my words.  I wonder how good storyteller spin their story, how they do it to keep their audience interested.  It can be artform.   Can also be an disapearing artform.  It is not widespread.  There isn't much oral storytellers making a living.

Thinking along those lines, I thought about oral storytelling stoires that made their ways into bookform.  One famous example is the Kalevala (  or the fairytales of the Brotthers Grimm (  It seems to be the future of storytelling along with movies and tv shows.

I just wondier if there is still a place for storytelling around a fire ground in the summer, for those who are still doing it.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Spaceship Tree

People can have strangely shappen trees.  The tree above makes me think of a spaceshp, especially on the second photo.  The first photo makes me think of a bad haircut on a person.  I like to look for pattern in trees.  Other people do that with clouds.  Maybe I should look up for dendromancy, the tree divination.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

A day of jewelry making part 2

Having a day of jewelry making was therapeutic.  It also was great to do some projects that I had in mind since a long time.  Here what I had made in this productive day:

It was quickly done.  Not fancy at all. Some of them are not practical jewelry.  I made them anyway. It is my way of showing off because I don't do much big flashy goldy bling.

Monday, 12 June 2017

Bohemina set-A day of Jewelry making part 1

Taking a day to make jewelry was a great day for mental health.  I finally made the bohemian set that could pass as an Indian set too.  Here are the result.

The circular bracelet with turquoise centerpieces were the longest to make.    working with jumprings can be labor intensive sometimes.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

This is really a park?

Both photos are from a park near downtown Montreal.  It is a small park.  The sign state the name of the park.  Park around here have name of significant people.  On this one, it is the name of a culinary teacher,  The park is at the corner of two streets.

What I like about park: it is a great place to be inspired.  No stress, no worries and an empty mind.  Perfect state of mind to come up with project.  My problem iwht the park above is the small space for the park.  No choice other than looking at the ugly builing facing this park.  I should have taken a photo of the buildings across the street.  Not very inspiring.  The good part: there is another park nearby that is bigger and better situated. 

So, park is a good thing, in general.  Perfect for some summer inspiration.  The above park is a bit more of a challenge.  It is not the only one like that.  I am sure there are other parks stuck like that.  I am sure there would be a way to beautified them even more.  Maybe adding some bushes or flowers?

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Stuck with those trees again

I know: those ugly trees are printed in my mind.  Their ugliness is hard to forget.  Maybe they are growing on me, especially with the last post on them (;postID=3787090297956664373;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=9;src=postname)

Now, what I find them fascinating, in their resilience.  s in last year, theyre are leaves growing on their trunk.  It camoufflage the misshapen trunks.

I just hope the leaves won't be cut down again.  At the same time, I know it may be cutted again this summer.  No illusion about it.  I am left with enjoying the lieaves as long as it last.  There is also photos as above.  I will keep them.  I find that those leaves add something beautiful to the trees because it hide the misshappen trunks.  It is living art!

Monday, 5 June 2017

Relying too much on eyesight

I recently learned that eyesight is not everything.  It can lead to some surprises.  I just lived a story that is the perfect example.

I was having lunch at a public space.  I was facing the windows.  On the other side of the windows, there was a small parking lot.  Just in front of me, there was a parking space.  Right there, there were birds, those of the annoying kind that can be seen everywhere.  They are called seagull.  

Well, I live near a big river, in a big city that is on an island and seagull are very common birds.  So, there was a few birds there.  They were not happy with each other.  They fight for something on the ground.  I look to determine what it is.  To my disguss, I believed it was a carcass of another bird.  It was what it seems from here I was.  «Well» i though «I have seen it all!  Those birds are canibalists.  Well, no wonder they can survive in the city,»

At the end, I got out of the place.  I thought it would be a good thing to prouve my point.  The birds were gone at this point.  I understood why: it was a grey bag!  They didn't fight for a carcass, they fought for the content of a plastic grey bag!  For sure, at that moment, I felt like a fool.  It also explained no ones reacting to the scene.

The moral of the story: It is time to go and get my eyes checked.  Another way to see it: I may had been in the perfect spot to view the scene, my eyes weren't seen everything they should have been.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Tempting a new genre?

I usually write in the fantasy field.  There is some hint of Sci-Fi in it but it is only a touch.  I recently thought I could try a new writing genre, to see if I could.  I had done it in the past.  Not always successfully.  I tried my hand in erotica and I ended up doing a long triple X piece.  I guess I should have look up at the definition of erotica before.  Of course, I had pieces of that experiment that had some element of erotica.  The story was set in halloween.  A group of people meet up, in disguise, to get together for the night.  They each tell a story.  I leave the rest to the imagination.

That experiement was not totally waisted.  I learned a few things along the way.  If I return in that genre, I would know the pitfall and not to do it during nanowrimo (  I also now know a bit more what erotica is, so I would write something more to the point and less on the sezy side.  It wasn't waisted because it helped me in knowing where to go next time I try erotica.

Now, recently, I wanted to try comedy.  My main problem: when I do a conscious joke, it isn't funny.  When I try to get serious, it is funny..  No middle ground.  I don't seems to understand and apply funny lines or timing to good use on a conscious level.  I won't see myself going for famous running gag.  I would put myself in a legal situation that I want to avoid.  I want to play safe and get my own jokes or my own funny moments.  After seeing a video called «25 funniest and strangest place names on earth»(  After seeing that video, I got my light bulb going up.  My situation may not be totally messed up.  I could try the basic of a good comedy, some easy situation that can have great punchlines.  I could take models around me of people suited for the comedic life.  At the end, I would see if it is feasable.  It is worth the try.