Thursday, 4 May 2017

Always read the labels!

I made a mistake.  The worst: it took me a few days to realise my mistake.  A few days ago, I planned to do some tye dye.  I also wanted to try some fabric's paints.  So, I bought all the material that I needed.  Among them was some white t-shirt.  I didn't really read closely the labels.  I only stopped at the right size.  Today, I remouved the labels and it is where I found my error: I took children's t-shirts!  Not adult ones!  It's the adult ones that I needed.  It is not a good feeling at all.

Now, I will have to go  back to the store and buy some adult white t-shirt.  For sure, I will be more vigilent and careful in buying the t-shirt.  It is a bit vexing to have to go back to the store for that.  On the other hand, I won't return the children's sized t-shirt.  It won't be waisted.  Children are in the house.  In addition, they will also have the chance to try the fabric paint: there is plenty for my project and for them.  Everybody will be happy and no waiste.

I am lucky in my mistake.  I can make a crafty u-turn and make up something useful with the extra unexpected items.  In the case that there was no children in the house, I would had experiment on the children's t-shirt and give them to some children.  It is a lesson learned on the hard way and I don't think I will forget it in the long run.  I am lucky in my absent-minded mistake.  Now, I can't wait to try with new possibilities!

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