While reading the 5 of Coins in the Creative Tarot, A Modern Guide to an Inspired Live, by Jessa Crispin (https://www.amazon.ca/Creative-Tarot-Modern-Guide-Inspired/dp/1501120239/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1486337532&sr=8-1&keywords=the+creative+tarot), I found the story of Leonor Fini. When I first found the name, I had a smile. Her last name mean «to end» in French. I amused me because I was picturing her saying «fini» when finishing her paintings. It is not set in reality but that picture was amusing to me. It is my brain getting weird connections again. It is not always too much serious and I should get it toward a more useful creative end.
I found her website even if she no longer living. (It is at http://www.leonor-fini.com/en/ and there is also a French version at http://www.leonor-fini.com/fr/). She seems to have been prolific (as seen in here: https://www.google.ca/search?q=leonor+fini+artwork&client=firefox-b-ab&sa=N&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LUz9U3MEk2K7PUUspOttIvyywuTcyJTywqQWJmFpdYlecXZRcDAD85xyExAAAA&biw=1069&bih=863&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ved=0ahUKEwjg-6ePkPrRAhUMxoMKHXl8CHI4ChCwBAgq) I have seenn a few photo in the mix but I don't know if it is her on them, as a model. What I find stunning is the variety in her body of work. It is one thing that usually attract my eye. There is also the use of colour. It is another aspect that is important to me. Her choise of colour please my eye.
I wish to have discovered her sooner. I am staying hungry on her. I want to know more, especially seeing the evolution of her work. Her life would also be imprtant because it would had impacted her work. I wonder about her motvation and how she acquired her art. She seems to had a long life and I wonder if she creatted to the end. The artworld is vast. I am always happy to make a discovery of this kind. I like people who aren't affraid to be themselves and go on their own path.
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