Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Working places

These are two places where I would like to work.  For the first photo, I would set up my working desk just in front of the door and stairs.  It would be the best place to work on jewelry pieces.  I would love this working eviroment, even if it is in a corridor.  For the second photo, I would use the place for writing, brainstorming, gathering ideas and relaxing.  I am sure it would be a great place to have peace, discretion and not being disturbed.  It is my favorite kind of place because it is in a corner and people aren't really going in this kind of place.  Also, in those two places, there wouldn't have any distraction.  So, it would be the perfect places for me to get the job done.

There are other places where I would like to try myself in working there.  They are usually places similar to the two places on the photos­.  Maybe I may like working in strange quiet and nice space that other people don't think about as working spaces.

Monday, 27 February 2017


There are time where I think there are certains feature, seen on some building, that should be done elsewhere than the place they currently are.  What got me started thinking is this place:
It had been taken inside a public building.  I think it is an old one.  The inside is having some weird organisation as seen above.  It is a nice feature but it would had been even better outside, for a bugalow like residence.  I would like to see that outside, on the front of a building.  It would look great from outside.  I find it a shame it is inside.  Not everybody could see that feature.  Should be seen by more people.

It is an example of feature that should be outside.  There is also some outside feature that should not exist, even inside because they are too ugly.  I have an example in mind but I don't have a photo of it right now.  I will take one next time I will go in front of it.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Rocks on the ground

I do have a smal collcetion of gemstones.  Here a few that are in my collection:

Many of those gemstones could be used in making jewelry.  I haven't used them yet.  Mainly because I am not well equiped for «advanced jewelry making» or more professional caliber projects.  I am also a bit rusty in soldering, not having the equipment for that.  Finally, I feel a bit shy because I don't have lot of experiences in some skills (ex: soldering, stone setting, et c...)

My current strong point is workiing with plyers.  Even there, I know I have to improve my skills.  There is also the possibility that I am a perfectionist, not satisfied with my current skill.  It is where it would be nice to have a kind of mentor or some sort of technical support somwhere.

Returning to the topic of collection.  I also have a strange collection.  I do have a good collection of rocks that I had pick up from the ground.  When I first started, it was more for fun and because I was seeing nice peebles.  Now, an idea start to have crept in my mind.  Some of them are a bit more striking than the rest.  I could use them to make jewelry.  Of course, there s the problem of holes.  There isn't any hole in the rocks that I have.  I could try making the holes.  I am just not sure if it could be done with what I have without breaking them.  It is the major problem that I have.  The other solution would to shape a metal thread around them.  Or  a band of metal if the rock is big, regular enough for that solution.  It would do a nice bezel if I can do that.

I know that a regular unexpensive rock may not be like an expansive gemstone.  I just want to open up something different.  It would also be just for me.  I don't intend to sell that kind of jewelry right now.  I don't think there would be a big demand for that.  It is another idea that is going in the experimentation bin.  I think that this one will be more hands on that the others on my list.  There will be more variable in the process due to the stones themselves.  Time to see if the picture in my head will translate well in the real world...

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

The rarest of them all

Stones seems to be the theme of this week.  I found a video on 13 Rarest Gemstones and Minerals Ever Seen:
While listening to the video, I said «I want this one!» to many of the stones listed.  I like gemstones.  Minerals are interesting too.  I like the colours they can have.  They hare a useful purpose too in jewelry.  They can be put into display to be admired.  I must admit that there are a few of those gems that I would like to have just for their colours.

The rarity of those stones and minerals can makes them more desirable.  I know I do!  I would be proud to show them and say that they are rare and that it was difficult to secure them.  There is also the price of those gemstone that could be very high, I am pretty sure of that.  I guess there are a few rich people who have those gemstone in their collections, just because they can have them.

If the source of those gemstones comes more aboundant, or that they are grown into lab, I wonder if jewelry could be done with them.  I wonder what they would be like?  Of course, I would like to try my hands on creating something with those stones.  It wouldn't be very extravagant, very bling bling or extremely big.  I have to go with my experience and aptitudes.  I wonder if every jewelry maker have a dreams to work with those kind of gemstones.  I am not a professional jewelry maker, so, I can wonder about that.  On the gemstones in the video, they makes me want to create more even if, right now, I can't use those stones.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Amber is amazing!

 I found this video and it is «13 Amber Dyscovery from Myanmar»:
The one with the lizards would have been a big chunk of amber!  Amber is a resin, it is not a stone.  I haven't try it yet but it can be melted with a torch.  It is how it can be worked and shaped.  It is also why insects and small animals can be trapped into this sticky residue.

I would try my hand working with amber.  What would be tricky is the softness of amber.  As I said, amber can be worked with a blowtorch.  I don't have a lot of experiences with stones and jewelry making (like soldering and stone setting).  So, I wonder if I would find it easy to work with amber.  The best thing would be to try and experiement.  The only problem is that I don't have all the material, especially when it comes to soldering.  Mixing the two would be really a challenge.

I guess it would be the next items to be bought in my list.  Too bad I no longer have access to the classes I was in a few years ago.  It would had been really useful to have access to the place and to the teachers.  It is one of the thing that I really miss since it changed it's vocation.  I will have to think and find a solution.  It is great because I am solving a lot of problems lately.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Those are my kind of gemstones!

I just watched this video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOX70fkjOAY  It is on the top 10 amazing record breaking gemstones.  All of them are beautiful and original in their own way.  I am fascinated by gemgstones.  What is amazing is how they forms and how they look.  The combination between them can lead to stunning result.  They can be mixed up when being found.  It is not always neat and clean down in the earth.

I also like work with them.  I should do it more often.  It was fun when I was having classes because I had all the material and tools I needed plus the advice and guidance of a teacher.  I am starting to have a good size collection of gemstones.  They are not really precious ones, they are more ones that are affordable and that I like very much.

On the list, the gemstones that they show comes with records holding title.  I never saw those record gemstones anywhere.  Aren't they promoted in some way?  Is it because that one gemstone that haven't any cursed put on them isn't worth talked about?  Even without any record holding, a gempstone should be admired for it's natural beauty.  It is our own planet finest creation after all.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

In the eye of the beholder

It is St-Valentine day today.  I want to celebrate it my own personal way.  It may be twister in the eyes of other.  For me, it makes sense.  St Valentine day is a day for lovers.   It is all fine and well.  It should be celebrated each and everyday by all the lovers of the world.  They should celebrate their love and the special bond that link them together.  It is my personal thought on the topic.  On the same hand, doing something extra special on St-Valentine day is also okay by me.  People have the right to celebrate or not.

St-Valentine day should not only be a celebration of lovers.  It should also go beyond that.  Lovers have an attraction to each other.  They found an aesthetic side in their partners.  They had found a sense of beauty and attractiveness in each other.  This is what attract me most: finding something that is beautiful in my mind's eye.  There are no set requirement, just examples.  Maybe I should get a closer eye and find out if there is something that is recuring.

I have find this video on 21 mysterious abandonned places:
What attract me the most in abandonned places are those on land like abandonned building.  Those are places where we can peep in the window to look inside and wishing to get inside just for the trill of the experience.

There is something that started all this reflection and maybe more.  It is an episode of the old Twilight Zone serie.  The title is «In the Eve of the Beholder».  In my personal opinion, the old Twilight Zone serie is great to watch but the «In the Eye of the Beholder» is the best episode of the serie.  It is also my favorite.  There is other good episodes in the serie.   It is worth seeing anyway.  I found the episode on YouTube:

Monday, 13 February 2017

Nice video on a topic I like but...

I found this video:
The tible is 25 Surprising Alternative Uses For Everyday Things.  It is a nice video.  It is on a topic that is dear to me: highjacking the purpose of an object with another.  I just wonder where those uses got known?  Who think of it first?  Is there are many people who thought of that?

 It is nice to see those uncommon use of common object.  It makes me question myself.  It is a good thing.  I find it good where a fact makes me think.  Now, there is the next step.  It makes me challenge myself.  Can I come up with unthought uses for common object?  Can I do that all by myself?  Will I have to search far and wide to find that?  Would I go for a different angle to reach my goal?

I am a creative person.  There are video or facts that are a jumpstart in brainstorming.  It is nice when it happen.  Would be even more nice to do all the thinking process by myself, no initial spark.  That would be an ideal scenario, in an ideal environment.  I think I am in a point where I need to see things from a new vantage point.  I need to come with my own inner way to create my own style.  I may write down the elements I want in my personal creation.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

A trend with some experiment and science

There are tv shows that follow a trend.  I don't think I need to name them.  Thinking of it, it is a nerdy trend to have fun with backyard experiments.  Urban legends are trendy to experiement on.  I have nothing against it.  It is fun to look up to a point.  After that, I am ready to go elsewhere.  What would be needed is experiements on some commercially promoted items (think what is sold on the shopping channel or some gadget (like the nono) in some commercials.  That would be useful.  It would be fun to see if there are gems in all the less desirable items.  As for urban legends, there are items that are easily junk and there are others where I have doubts.

I like to experiment but not like that.  My experiments are more with creating jewelry and doing other crafts. None of those experiements had ended up on the shelves.  It may be why my experiments are harmless.  I am the only one that see what work and what doesn't work.  No legal problems.  I may play too much safe for my own good.  What I do is more for the eye, mainly.  I also not ready to sell my jewelry.  I like the comments I get but nobody had come up really interested to buy any jewelry pieces.

I wonder what will be the next trend.  I won't stop experimenting. I just curious to see what would come ahead.  While i work on some jewelry, I have to keep an eye on trends, even if I don't care about them.  Inspiration develop with every ounce of influence, experiences and mixing.  This trend of experimenting and science isn't bad but it won't last forever.  There is a few things that would be worth seeing before the trend dies.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

On Interests

One thing that I discovered early on: interests can change with time.  It can also evolve, branch out or go on a new path.  It usually do with growing up and doing discovery.  For example, as a teenager, I had no interest with painting.  As an adult, I discovered some artists that had a impact on me and I followed their work.  I don't know if it was meant to be or just accident.  I am just happy to have made those discoveries.  There are time where I would had like to discover some artist sooner or be aware of them sooner.  For example, I know I saw the first Alien (the movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078748/?ref_=nmbio_trv_18) before knewing who was Giger was.

Stumbling on something totally unknown is a fun experience, especially when there is an appeal in the work.  One thing that I learned ealry on was the basis of what I liked in painting.  It all started with strip cartoon.  In some classic strip cartoon, there are the colour palette that didn't appeal to me an in other, I don't mind the colour but combined with the drawings appeal more to me.  Still, in other strip cartoon, what I liked the most was the treatment of alien technology, the originality of the author.  It was the school; where I develop my taste for artwork what Iike and dindn't like.  It helped when I discovered the paintings world.

My interest evolved with time.  I learned a few things since then that made me see my teenage self interests differently.  Nothing stay the same, all change.  It is the same with interests.  I just want to keep learning and stumble on new info and see if something will attract my attention.  I don't close the door on new interests.  It help me get inspired.

Monday, 6 February 2017

This is my kind of artist!

While reading the 5 of Coins in the Creative Tarot, A Modern Guide to an Inspired Live, by Jessa Crispin (https://www.amazon.ca/Creative-Tarot-Modern-Guide-Inspired/dp/1501120239/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1486337532&sr=8-1&keywords=the+creative+tarot), I found the story of Leonor Fini.  When I first found the name, I had a smile.  Her last name mean «to end» in French.  I amused me because I was picturing her saying «fini» when finishing her paintings.  It is not set in reality but that picture was amusing to me.  It is my brain getting weird connections again.  It is not always too much serious and I should get it toward a more useful creative end.

I found her website even if she no longer living.  (It is at http://www.leonor-fini.com/en/ and there is also a French version at http://www.leonor-fini.com/fr/).  She seems to have been prolific (as seen in here: https://www.google.ca/search?q=leonor+fini+artwork&client=firefox-b-ab&sa=N&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAOPgE-LUz9U3MEk2K7PUUspOttIvyywuTcyJTywqQWJmFpdYlecXZRcDAD85xyExAAAA&biw=1069&bih=863&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ved=0ahUKEwjg-6ePkPrRAhUMxoMKHXl8CHI4ChCwBAgq)  I have seenn a few photo in the mix but I don't know if it is her on them, as a model.  What I find stunning is the variety in her body of work.  It is one thing that usually attract my eye.  There is also the use of colour.  It is another aspect that is important to me.  Her choise of colour please my eye.

I wish to have discovered her sooner.  I am staying hungry on her.  I want to know more, especially seeing the evolution of her work.  Her life would also be imprtant because it would had impacted her work.  I wonder about her motvation and how she acquired her art.  She seems to had a long life and I wonder if she creatted to the end.  The artworld is vast.  I am always happy to make a discovery of this kind.  I like people who aren't affraid to be themselves and go on their own path.

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Good and bad creative days

There are good and bad days when it comes to creativity.  It is all fun when there is a good creative day.  All is derailled when a bad day comes.  Good creative day are not worthy to talk about.  All goes well when there is a good day.  Everything goes according to plan.

In case of a bad creative day, nothing work as plan.  No work can be done or not as much as planned.  It is a waisted day.  I hate when I hit a bad creative day.  Nothing work as I wish.  Frustration is my main emotion.  I don't feel at my full potential.  Getting interrupted every minute is the main reason I get a bad creative day.  It is not happening all the time but when i have a bad creative day, my mood have the most impact and I do not feel well.  I end up gruffy.  If I encounter a bunch of bad creative days, it is the summum of unhappiness.  Then, I get in a terrible mood and my need to create is not fufilled.  The other areas of my life get impacted and I become more and more unliveable.  I then get angry and ask for a break.  At that point, I have to break the cycle and get into my bubble again.  It is a most at this point because nothing get right.  I am irritable at that point without any patience.

Having a good creative day is exhilirating.  Having a bad day is not a good idea.  I try not having too much bad days because it is really not fun.  When I can't dodge a bad creative day, I haven't found a way to allievate the bad side of it.  Not yet.  I wish to have better preparation and good advices for those days.