Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Not only for gloom, having silly fun

I took a few more photos of the ugly big wheel.
My mind haven't changed about the possibility of someone using this structure to commit a sad ending in a variable future.   Lately, I got a better look at it.  I look at the base of the six poles that goes from the ground to the middle of the wheel.  Here is a photo of it:
I could not have funny thought, Indiana Jones style.  It look like stakes.  It look as if they could rust to the point of desagregate.  This big wheel is near a body of water, so I guess it could have an impact on the metal.  My funny thought is those stakes could fail, where they meet at the center of the wheel would give way, liberating the wheel.  It is here that Indiana Jones comes into action with the scene with the boulder.  The difference would be that the wheel would do as the boulder for a short distance before doing like a coin and fall on the ground.

This ugly piece of art isn't going anywhere but I can poke fun at it.  After the gloom, anything can happen. If the scenario of a rolling wheek happen, it will sure become a weird piece of news!

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