Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Not only for gloom, having silly fun

I took a few more photos of the ugly big wheel.
My mind haven't changed about the possibility of someone using this structure to commit a sad ending in a variable future.   Lately, I got a better look at it.  I look at the base of the six poles that goes from the ground to the middle of the wheel.  Here is a photo of it:
I could not have funny thought, Indiana Jones style.  It look like stakes.  It look as if they could rust to the point of desagregate.  This big wheel is near a body of water, so I guess it could have an impact on the metal.  My funny thought is those stakes could fail, where they meet at the center of the wheel would give way, liberating the wheel.  It is here that Indiana Jones comes into action with the scene with the boulder.  The difference would be that the wheel would do as the boulder for a short distance before doing like a coin and fall on the ground.

This ugly piece of art isn't going anywhere but I can poke fun at it.  After the gloom, anything can happen. If the scenario of a rolling wheek happen, it will sure become a weird piece of news!

Monday, 30 May 2016

Trying something new

Last week, I got this: https://www.plaidonline.com/mod-podge-mod-melter-and-accessories/213/product.htm  It is on the same principle as a glue gun.  It can be filled with long stick.  These stick can be clear, with colours or he in metallic tones (golden and silver).  There are mold that can be filled.  I had done some with the molds.  I haven't tried free hand (not ready for that yet).

It was easy to do but I may have over  done myself with using too many sticks.  I do tend to go overboard with a new activity.  I may use some to decorate an photo frame.  Otherwise, I haven't really thought of what I could do with them yet.  Maybe into a jewelry project.  I just have to think what kind of jewelry project I want to do with them.  Maybe with macrame.

I had to buy this melting gun on the internet.  I haven't seen it in store (not those I had gone to).  I wonder if it is toward the end of the new phase of this product.  Well, not that important now.  It is just that I would had like to find it in store, as I was buying the rest of the material.  Overall, it was nice to try it.  I just have to find where to use the end result.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Nature can be ugly!

Nature can be very ugly.  There is one example I want to show.  It is two trees that I find hideous.  Trees have a nice up way of grace, well usually.  The two trees I am talking about are more bumpy in form, for their trunk.  Don't mind the house in the photo and concentrate on the trees.   The house definitively deserve more gracious trees.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

I got it! Smaller Camera

I got my smaller camera and I took a few photos with it.  I am please with it.  It is small enough to bring it with me everywhere.  It also fit in a pocket.  It is complimentary of my other camera.  Above is my first photo taken with it.

Here is a few more:

Monday, 23 May 2016

Hot Stone Massage, it is now a reality!

I got my hot stone massage a few days ago, May 19th to be exact.  I was a bit nervous and very excited to realize this wish.  I never thought it would become true.  I was thinking it would become true in an undiscernable future.  Now, it had become a reality.  I feel a bit more knowledgeable, in a physical way.  Seeing it in one video is one thing.  Living it is another thing.

All the preparation is the same as for a regular massage.  There was a questionaire with a few questions.  There was the preparation in the cabin with the undressing and the explainations for the massage.  All that went smoothly.  It was a nice thing to have.  I got informed before hand on how things were done but getting the explanations in the setting got me a bit more at ease.

The massage itself was great.  The hot stones were really soothing on the skin.  It helped to get the muscles more relax.  Now, I think I won't be able to get an ordinary massage without the hot stones. They helped me relax.  The main problem was on my part: I have a sensitive skin.  The stones were a little bit too hot at first for my skin.  When the therapist was working on my back, I had a few involontary twitches from my part.  It was funny in a sense because we were excusing ourselves at the same time.  There is health problems that can't received this type of massage.  Sensitive skin isn't in them.  I wonder if sensitivity of the skin is spread enough to get considered a problem for hot stone massage.

I also have a suggestion: to drink plenty of water before and after.  I didn't get hydrated before and I was really thursty after.  After the hot stone massage and for the rest of the day, I could not stop drinking.  I also felt that the water was absorbed by my body.

In conclusion, it was worth every penny for it.  I want to return to  get another one.  I don't know if I will develop a thicker skin with time for the hot stones.but I am happy to have tried it at least once in my lifetime.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Living a dream, getting a dream into a reality.

Finally, I decided to try hot stone massage.  I don't know what the little push got me over the edge but I finally look upon a place who offer that kind of massage.  So, now, I will know how it feel and if I will like it.  I worries a little bit mainly in finding the place.  Otherwise, I am excited to have an appointment.

I have seen a video on how it is done (http://spas.about.com/od/hotstonemassage/a/Hotstone.htm, scrolling a bit down to see the video).  So, I know how it will be done.  I will realize a wish by doing this massage.  I hope it will go well and that I will be able to have it.  From the written description, there is counter indication for this massage, so I don't know if it is apply in real live.  It is what I observed: sometimes, there is some informations written and when speaking with a person with practical knowledge, they don't know the written information.

So, time to head for the appointment.  I hope that the hot stone massage will meet my expectation!

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

How strange experience change perception

There is something that puzzle me.  I have noticed it in the last few years in a more acute way: experience change perception.  I had mainly experienced it with fiction.  Among the strongest example was from Star Trek: The Next Generation with the episode Dark Page (Here for the trailor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEZMe8WPJFs).  I saw this episode for the first time when I was a teenager.  I saw it again 2-3 years ago.  My perspective had totally changed.  In the episode, Deanna Troi discover that she had an older sister.  That older sister died while Deanna was very young.  When I saw it as a teenager, I thought: «How sad» and when I saw it again, I not just thought, it was a little bit emotional.  I knew what it was to have a child and I could not think loosing a child.

I did have other similar experience elsewhere, with a strip cartoon book (https://www.amazon.ca/Edge-Life-Roger-Leloup/dp/1905460325/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1463192718&sr=8-16&keywords=yoko+tsuno) or with a cartoon show (https://www.amazon.ca/Goldorak-LIntegrale-15Dvd-Version-fran%C3%A7aise/dp/B009Z0LUIC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1463192760&sr=8-1&keywords=goldorak).  With the last example, it is an example where knowledge gained with maturity change everything.  For the example with the strip cartoon book, there some questions that arise with the constant advancement in science.

Will this kind of experience repeat it self as I stumble on new series, books, etc...?  Only time will tell.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Searching for a symbol

I am searching for a meaningful symbol to put on a baseball cap.  I don't want ti to be too difficult to make and at the same time have a appeal to me.  Not an easy task.  I will have to look up and dig a little bit deeper.  I think I will browse images in books.  I don't know if I will go for a mythological design or something else totally.  Time to think about it.  I hesitate between mythology and prehistory.  I leave some room for an inspiring image.

I like to have meaning in my design.  I like when someone feel the same way when seeing what I have done.  It reassure me in thinking that we have all something in common, a way to communicate, not just with the written words.  It gives a nice feeling when there is that sort of connection,  For once, I feel that I have a contact with  humanity.

When I feel stuck, as of now, I like to look around me.  It is when my eyes are open that I am most likely find what I am searching for.  Well, it served me well in the past.  I hope it will serve me right now too.  So, I will look around me, in various books and let my mind work.  Maybe it will hit me like an inspirational bright brick of a idea.  The only thing that I like less is that the whole process may take days to concretize.  Maybe I could research on how to compress the process and get more efficient with the process...

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Not a green thumb

I am not a green thumb.  Sadly, I am so bad that I can kill a cactus.  I think that my lack in this area is linked with a lack of knowledge.  I don't know much about growing plants and other gardening products.  My main strong ability is to follow orders.  I am good to watering plants when I am ordered to.  Otherwise, I am not a good gardening foreman.  I am, at best, a field worker when it comes to makes things grow.

It is a bit of a shame.  If I wasn't so unknowledgeable, I would be tempted to grow some fine herbs and maybe some tomatoes.  It is something that is getting popular right now.  I am sure I would be able to find knowledeable people in this field nearby.  I wonder if it would be enough to keep me in the right track.  I also have to admit that I would have to infuse myself with a bit more interest to get into this track.

So, I have to stand aside.  I have to look at people who have a green thumb.  I have to let them grow useful and beautiful gardens and fine herbs.  I don't think it is a bad thing to admire those people from afar.  Not everyone have to be efficient in every area of like.  My situation may change one day.  Right now, I just feel about the mystery of growing plants.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Yes, I am a Jack of all Trade

I admit that I like to learn new crafts.  I learned many new crafts and techniques in the last few years.  Pretty happy about it. I do have some periods, after learning about a new craft, to be immersed into it.  It is as if I pass some times to master that new learning.  It is fun learning new things.

On rhw orhwe hand, I feel a little bit burned out.  I get intesrested into something, learn about it, get all the materials, practice a lot and after that, I pass to the next new fancy of mine.  It is as if I am searching for a durable passion for myself and that I haven't found it yet.  Am I asking for too much?  Will it all go into a mix media mash up?  I now wonder if I need variety for creativity.

What motivate me to go on with all this creativity hopping?  I feel like a bee going on from flower to flower, to taste each flower's nectar and to find if one taste better than the other.  The only thing: I find that each flower taste equally the same, no cutting edge on that.  So, do I have to mix all into something unique?  As I progress, I feel at a crossroad.  I need to see what I can do, the road that I have to choose, to put the knowledge and experience into the real world.

Monday, 9 May 2016

It's been a while -- Candle making

It's been a while that I haven't done some candles.  I start to miss making those with sheet of bee wax.  It is quickly done.  It is not like the ones done with heating the more usual wax.  I am ready to have some fun with sheet of bee wax.  I wonder if I will find then easily.  Last time I had been in various craft stores, I haven't seen them.  So, I wonder if the interest is still there.

I haven't returned to the other type of wax.  I am not ready to return to that.  I had a period where I wanted to do my own candles that way, heating it to form pillars mainly.  Now, I am satisfied with those bought online like dark candles (http://darkcandles.com/).  I also like their wax melts.  I never had done wax melts.  I guess the process is similar to candle making.  I don't know if the wax is different because it is a melting one.  I guess I will have to ask the question if I meet an expert on the subject.

I think I will be making candles for people around me.  I am not really seriously into that, not yet.  I have other craft that are drawing more my attention right now.  I learned and got equiped more out of curiosity.  Right now, I am not really serious about it and not many people had asked me to do candles.  Not really an help to get more into it.  Maybe it is a question of cycle.  Candle making is not in sinc with other crafts...

Thursday, 5 May 2016

The unexpected

I feel I live on the edge.  There is a few surprised turn of event.  It is good but I feel there is time where I have to turn on a 10 cents.  There is a lot of unexpected in my life right now.  I have the luck to be able to answer to the unexpected.  Nothing new in that area, I got lot of practice over time.  It can be annoying sometimes, in rare occasion.  Right now, it suit me pretty well.  Strangely, it is fuelling my period of inspiration.

The unexpected had benn of great help lately.  Right now, I am on a story and the unexpected helped me solve a scene.  Now, I can go a little bit further in polishing the storyline.  I am very happy about it.  It also push me in realizing a few projects in the time I have left.  It is a great motivation.  I hope it will go on a little bit more because I start to like that kind of experience.

Now, it is time to sit down and have a period of time dedicated to quality creation...  It is fun to have such effect from the unexpected.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Hatch Hook kit

I made a few puchases in a craft store.  I rediscovered the hatch hook.  It was something I learned as a child.  I had redicovered it a few years ago but it didn't last long.  I felt that the kit I found was for beginner.  I was ready to go further on once loosing my rustyness.

Now, I am ready to return to this craft a bit more seriously.  I think to start with this kit: https://www.amazon.ca/Spinrite-Wonderart-Latch-Hook-12-Inch/dp/B00DTV0W7S/ref=pd_sim_201_1?ie=UTF8&dpID=61VuO6ZAUoL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=12W6FSCTERE2EYK8E9CC
It is an cute little owl.  It will be a gift.  From there, I want to go a step forward.  I don't know what I will do next but it will be one that is more complex.  I want to evaluate if I can do more intricate ones.

I don't know why this kind of craft comes back to interest me.  I start to wonder if it is not for their therapeutic mind changing mood.  It soothe me perfectly and they change my mind.  It is the kind of craft that I never forgot.  I still remember what to do to achieved the end result.  Maybe it made a deep impression in my mind.  I had been shown macrame but I forgot everything about it.  Now, I am relearning to do macrame.  But I still remember how to do the hatch hook.  My mind is really strange sometimes.  I almost feel that my mind is a stranger sometimes.  I won't complain.  I am ready to return to some old craft.  I am ready to do it without hesitation.

Monday, 2 May 2016

Rustic table

I think I should go into a decor or furniture store more often.  I have found a beautiful table in a furniture store.  I find it a little bit rustic.  There is a rought look to it.  I took two chairs with it that are in the same line of thoughts.  There is also a bench that complete the set.  I didn't expected to buy this set.  I guess I had been light struck as I saw this set.  There was two other chairs with the set but I didn't took them.  They were different and I didn't like them.

There was many piece of furniture that I bought online.  I don't regret doing them.  I guess that there is good in both online and in store.  Right now, I just find that going in store can be a luxury.  I don't always have the time to go in store.  Of course, now, I think that if I come close to a furniture store during some shopping, it will be more probable that I will enter, even if it is just for ideas.

Now, I may look if there is some items that are shaped like an owl.  I do have a idea in my head...