Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Temptation and weakness

It is interesting to see how the mind can do some connections that seems trivial.  There are times in life where some temptations are more attractive than other time.  Right now, I have a craving for fudge brownie.  I ain't into chocolate but fudge brownie is one of my weak point.  At one point, I had found a place where they selled lip balm with the scent of fudge brownie.  Loved that product!  Last time I looked, it was no longer available.  I feel a bit sad because this lip balm was a pick me up when I feeled a bit low.  Last time I search, I didn't found any remplacement.  Time to go shopping again, to see if I will be lucky this time.  I am tempted to try one of the two: https://www.etsy.com/listing/243496917/fudge-brownie-all-natural-beeswax-lip or that one: http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00TBYBP2I?colid=BX4C6XMN6RUJ&coliid=I2M70RW49QCIBX&ref_=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl

So, I was linking about my sweat urge.  My mind go forward.  I start to think that a good fudgy brownie is a temptation.  It is also one of my weakness.  Put a plate of fudge brownie under my nose and beware!  The plate will come back empty except for some crumbs (and I think that even crumbs won't survive my attack!)
So, here come the conclusion of my train of thought, done by my own brain: What are the weaknesses and temptation of my characters.  It is easy for some.  Other, I will have to think a bit more.  Is it vital for all characters?  No, not at all but there is at least one story that use a weakness for the two main characters.  Their weakness is their nemesis.  So, if they encounter their nemesis, watch out, the main characters sees red!

I seems to be in a period of more dreams that I remember and I also seems to be more geared up for fiction.  I wonder if there is a connection between the two.  It is a possibility...

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