Thursday, 3 September 2015

When the senses are too quick...

There are times where I read too fast or heard something the wrong way.  The message get distorted.  The results can turn hilarious.  It is something that happen often for me.  I have to look twice or ask the other person to repeat, to be sure if I see/heard right.  It doesn't take much to change the message.  Subtituting one sound or some letters and it change everything.  I think it is more obvious when it become oral.  There are plenty of songs where the lyrics are heard the wrong way.

An example: when I was viewing the end credit of Star Trek: the next generation.  It happened when I first started to listen to the show.  It is not always easy to read everything when it comes to the end credit of a show.  It can sometimes goes fast.  It ended up I read "Wolf" instead of "Worf".  It took me somebody else to correct me from my error.  There are time where I correct myself when I get a second better look.

I am lucky this bad habit doesn't put me in trouble.  Until now, it just provided some laughs.  I am happy to be perceived as silly in those moments.  I wonder if there are some tricks to counter that.  Ok, there are a few words that are written in a similar way or sound alike.  The context clear them most of the time.  It is just not full proof.

Playing with words can be fun.  There are some European strip cartoon that have a double meaning (well, those in French that I saw had them like the Femme en blanc (Women in white) and Pierre Tombal (it's a name but it can also be translated as tombstone).  I just would like that ability would be easier for me to access...

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