Einstein wanted to find a theory of everything, to united everything under a nice explanation. In the shower, I found one for my universe. I have written a few stories set on various planets. They all have human living there. I never really thought how it could become that way. There only one story where there are a spaceship in orbit of the planet. I don't really explain why it is there. It is only to justify the beginning of the story and to send one person on the planet. The person got amnesia once on the planet.
Now, while in the shower, I got the idea that each planet of each of my stories got colonized by human. They are left to colonized and to develop by themselves. No technologies that came with them on the planet. They have to met first necessities to sustain themselves. With time, they develop their own culture and after that, probably more advanced technologies to go into spaces. My various stories are set in times that could be the equivalent of medieval time on our own Earth. Bordering Renaissance. I have not thought much of the recontact later on with human. I may have an idea later on if I write more on each stories. I am just not there yet.
I had to note it right away. I am not too happy to have gotten another idea for my stories. I would have like to have other ideas. I can't command the ideas I get in the bathroom. Well, I got at least that idea. I just hope my mind will diversify a little bit. It would be nice to have ideas for other project than writing, for a change...
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