Monday, 21 July 2014


I found my calligraphy kit with my book repair kit this past weekend.  I don't know why they where packed together.  Everything seems in working order even if it been years that I haven't used them.  I am pleased, especially for the ink.  I thought it would had all dried up after all those years unused.

I have the calligraphy kit from a few years back.  Then, I took a calligraphy class.  I don't know why I took it.  I remember clearly I had changed my mind upon the start of the class.  So, I missed the first class.  As I had paid for it in addition not able to have a full refund, I decided to attend the rest of the class.  I didn't totally regret taking it.  I meet a few interesting people.  I also learn a bit about calligraphy.  After the session ended, I didn't take any more class about this.  I had learned enough.

The big idea behind calligraphy is breathing.  It is mostly what I remember learning from that class.  It is like Yoga or tai chi.  Being aware of your own breathing bring some calm and peaceful mood.  It is a kind of relaxation for the mind.  The only problem is to become enough efficient in the letters to benefit the relaxation part.

I never practiced since that class.  Nor did I used the kit for other purpose.  It is a bit of a shame.  I liked using the pen used in calligraphy.  It is not like ordinary pen we used today (like the ones done by a certain big modern company).    That kind of pen demand more attention.  I like that.  It force me to be aware of my writing.  It is becoming a work of art, in a sense.  It also have the merit of being made by an human.  So, I probably will use it again.  Maybe I will work on what I learned in the class.  I still have the practice papers but I forgot everything.  It will be as with macrame.  I will have to relearn it from the beginning.  I remember that doing the letters are in strokes.  With some practice, it may come back.  I don't know.  I know that I have an idea of other purpose I want to use calligraphy.  I always like diverting common items from their intended uses.

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