Thursday, 31 July 2014


I am learning new things each day!  There is a exposition on the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on Fabergé.  (  I haven't visited the exposition yet.  Only with the website, I learned a few things.  I think I am not the only one who equate Fabergé with their famous eggs.  There is more than that.  They made more objects than I thought.  Not only jewelry.  There was frames, handles for umbrellas, etc...

So, I had a reduced view of what this company was doing.  I wonder how both became linked to the point when we talk of one, we thing of the other.  I think there isn't the only case where two things are that linked up together.  It is because it is easier to remember?  Now, my mind had took some expansion because of it.  In a sense, it is a good thing.  I must admit I never quite given a thought about this.  I do like the Russian monarchy even if it no longer existed.  I never thought of going further in information about Fabergé.  I knew the eggs were gifts related to Easter.  Maybe my mind wasn't awakened to the variety of items it made.

The exposition is still there for some time.  I am tempted to go see it.  I want to know more.  It is linked with the royal family, so I guess this company fall too.  Time to know more about this.  There is a lack I must fill.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014


I am reading about sewing lately.  I do have bad memories dating back to high school.  There was really old sewing machines, older than the one my mom use.  Old and big.  I hated using the one at school.  There was also the teacher.  We had to show her what we made.  She often unmake what we just make and remake it again.  The sew pieces look fine when I was showing it to her.  I wonder if she was doing this to make us loose time and practice without us making other pieces of garment.  We only made a sweater.  I think that later on, that project was changed to making boxers.

It wasn't attracted to sewing because of that.  The teacher was a very old lady.  I think she was near her retirement, even if I wonder if the school found someone to replace her.  I don't think any one in the class was interested in pursuing in the sewing business.

What makes me read about sewing with that bad experience?  Well, it was part of a long process.  In the late ten years, I restarted to create.  I restarted to knit, got interested in jewelry making, become more serious about writing (and more disciplined) and all of this made me want to explore more about creativity.  For sewing, it is another matter.  I am going for it on a more practical side.  I am thinking more of using it to mend clothes.  There are a few piece of clothing that I have that need mending.  I am tired to be dependent on other for the sewing part of my life.  There is also a project I had started that need sewing to finish it.  It is two pillow I want to make.  I have knitted the pieces that will make the exterior of the pillows,  I do have the zippers.  I still have to buy the stuffing for the pillows but as long I haven't sew the zippers, there is no use for that.

So, I do have a need.  I wouldn't had started to read on sewing otherwise.  I need to inform myself.  I don't remember much of what I had done in high school about sewing.  I prefer to forget about it.  It isn't worthwhile anyway.  Next step would be to buy a sewing machine.  I have seen one promising one on the internet.  I may shop a little bit more before buying.  The last big problem is tricky.  Will I be able to use the sewing machine?  I don't have much experience and it is irrelevant because the little I had are on too much old machines that are no longer sold.  Even if they were still sold, I wouldn't have the place to put it in my place.  Too big.  At least, the one I have found will fit on my table.  I just have to store it some place else when finish with it.

By chance, I am not in a hurry...

Monday, 28 July 2014

Creativity have strange outlets sometimes...

Creativity express itself in a countless ways.  Sometimes, it is in strange manner.  Or in unexpected manners.  It can be in a weird ways too.  It seems easy to create, at first glance.  Trying to do it open eyes on how hard it can be.  This can describe the work of Weird Al Yankovic or W.A.Y.  as I like to call him. His website isn't that much original (  The only good point is to look at photos of his different looks over the years (and the one au naturel without mustache, glasses or his two trademark curly hairdo).

Why do I speak of him today?  He have his most recent album out called "Mandatory Fun" (  I do have received my copy but I haven't listened to the whole album.  I have see some of his video on You tube like "Word Crime" and "Tacky".  I prefer "Word Crime" even if there isn't much going on in the video.  "Tacky" is more colorful as a video.  Both have to be seen.

Word Crime :
Tacky :

He had send some other videos related to "Mandatory Fun".  I let you discover them.  He is the perfect example of what I had talked at the beginning of this post.  He gives the impression that parody making is easy to make.  He also doing it since so long ago.  I remember I was around ten years old when I saw "Like a Surgeon".  That video was my introduction to him.  It is where I got interested in him.  Over the years, I discovered his original songs too.  I think his parodies are the sellers for his album, even if I like his original songs as much as his parodies.

A few years back, I tried to make a parody.  Complete failure.  I don't think I kept my failed attempt on file.  It was bad.  This is why I say that Weird Al makes parody making look so easy.  Or it is easy for him to do so.  In this case, his mind must do some connection at some level and he can tap to it.  I just not able to do it the way he does.  Creativity is really a big monster.  We only able to tap in some areas.  It also makes us unique in the way we create.  This is where I am happy to see I have strong area and weaker area in creativity.  It is a good thing.  We just can't be good at everything or it will become boring...

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Card making

There are some technique that seems to gain popularity lately.  Or some crafts.  Things like scrapbooking or card making.  Items for those makes their way in stores.  People buy that and they are doing these things.  It become an hype thing to do.

I often look all that can be sold in those alley, in big or little store.  I kind of smile.  Yes, it can be used to make a card or a photo album prettier.  It is kind of a cherry on a Sundae.  I just know better.  My mother had done scrapbooking when I was a child, way before all those nice paper came flooding the marked.  What does she used?  Tree leaves dipped in paraffin.  So, she was creating some nice addition to photo album using what she had on hand.  As we were in a wooded area, she used what she could find.  It was easy to find beautiful fallen tree leaves.  Very colorful too.  In a rusted kind of way.

Since I was a child,  I always had made my own cards.  Even before learning how to write.  At that time, I would draw the pictures in front of the card.  My mom would do the writing inside.  I started it because of my grandpa.  He like when his birthday cards were hand made.  We learned it the hard way when my mom bought one card, one year.  I was young and I don't really remember it.  She bought it.  She signed it for me.  I don't know if she was in an hurry.  Or didn't wanted to take time for the card to be hand made.  When I gave the bought card, my grandpa told me why I didn't made it.  It was the only time he received a store bought card.  My mom understood the message my grandpa.  He knew what he like, so he received what he liked. 

It always been a no brainer for me.  Making my own personalized cards bring something that a store bought card can't bring.  It been hand made, personalized and I took the time to make it, custom made.  Nothing can beat that.

So, all those things sold at store are pretty.  Not at all essential, in a way.  It add to the project at hand, getting it more pretty.  It is like a icing on the cake.  We can find ways to do things that aren't store bought.  It also bring something I love to do: take everyday items and turn them in a use they aren't intended to.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Book reparation kit

In college, I had a class of book repair.  We were taking it at the beginning of our three years studies.  To do this class, we had to buy a book repair kit.  As it was a practical class, we needed that kit.  It contain all we needed to do book repair.  It had glue,  tape, scissors, a brush, a flat stick, etc.  It was what was mostly needed to do the work.

I remember that I liked the class.  I wasn't the only one, I think.  In addition, nobody never resell the kit.  It is a no brainer why we did so.  It was too useful in everyday use.  There are always books that needed to be repaired.  We had the knowledge and the tools, so nothing could stop us from doing the work ourselves.

I miss that class.  We could bring our own books for reparation, in the class.  We learned a lot.  I wish there was another class for more advanced technique offered.  It wasn't the case.  Would be fun to have that kind of class.  Or something on book binding, the old methods.  We learned how it was done, the teacher had it explained quickly how it was done.  We just didn't do it fully, up to the leather cover.  It may have been too expansive to do.  We were a small class, in a small department.   The department only have  three day classes in total.  One for each year.  So, it was really a small department.

Book repair is a kind of art.  It need creativity to do some repair.  Even if there are repair that are evident to do.  I a job, later on, I learned how to repair big dictionaries.  It was fun.  It had brought back some pleasant memories.  It is just a sad thing I could not stay at that job.  I learned that at the end of my stay there.  It took time between each step.  It was something useful.  It was manual.  It was something I enjoyed doing.  Since then,  I didn't had the opportunity to repeat that experience again.  At least, I have everything needed to do books repair at home.

Monday, 21 July 2014


I found my calligraphy kit with my book repair kit this past weekend.  I don't know why they where packed together.  Everything seems in working order even if it been years that I haven't used them.  I am pleased, especially for the ink.  I thought it would had all dried up after all those years unused.

I have the calligraphy kit from a few years back.  Then, I took a calligraphy class.  I don't know why I took it.  I remember clearly I had changed my mind upon the start of the class.  So, I missed the first class.  As I had paid for it in addition not able to have a full refund, I decided to attend the rest of the class.  I didn't totally regret taking it.  I meet a few interesting people.  I also learn a bit about calligraphy.  After the session ended, I didn't take any more class about this.  I had learned enough.

The big idea behind calligraphy is breathing.  It is mostly what I remember learning from that class.  It is like Yoga or tai chi.  Being aware of your own breathing bring some calm and peaceful mood.  It is a kind of relaxation for the mind.  The only problem is to become enough efficient in the letters to benefit the relaxation part.

I never practiced since that class.  Nor did I used the kit for other purpose.  It is a bit of a shame.  I liked using the pen used in calligraphy.  It is not like ordinary pen we used today (like the ones done by a certain big modern company).    That kind of pen demand more attention.  I like that.  It force me to be aware of my writing.  It is becoming a work of art, in a sense.  It also have the merit of being made by an human.  So, I probably will use it again.  Maybe I will work on what I learned in the class.  I still have the practice papers but I forgot everything.  It will be as with macrame.  I will have to relearn it from the beginning.  I remember that doing the letters are in strokes.  With some practice, it may come back.  I don't know.  I know that I have an idea of other purpose I want to use calligraphy.  I always like diverting common items from their intended uses.

Thursday, 17 July 2014

Big trends

Soap making and jewelry making are now big trends.  Craft in general seems to have public favor, now.  Home made is now big.  People seems to see the potential in doing themselves some necessities.  Is it the perfume of the time?  People seems also kind in starting their own crafty business.  Be it in soap, jewelry, decal, journal, calendar, pictures on clothes, etc.

Maybe the economy is partly at fault.  Maybe people are fed up buying some items on a recurrent basis.  Maybe doing homemade goods and selling it are fun for some people.  It is dizzying to look at on site like etsy (  Is it a trend or just something that will stay?

I just find myself in a ocean of crafters.  I feel a bit lot in all this creativity.  There are techniques that I learned and like.  I just feel lost in all this.  Maybe I am in a moment where I question myself.  I don't have that kind of problem when I am right in the middle of a project.  Is it good for myself to find a niche when I can't stick in one area?  I have been creative my whole life.  Way before all that turmoil.  Now, it make me wonder if I am right where I belong.  I always felt outside the box and now, it feel strange to be a insider.  I just not used to it.  It force me to define myself against that movement.  Where does I stand.  In this crowd, where my place and my voice.

Will I find my center?  I am the only one on that quest.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014


I don't think it is the first time I speak about dreams.  Dreams can be an inspiration for me.  They also are a bit mysterious.  No one seems to know what purpose dreams have in our resting period.  Dreams seems to come easy to me.  I am not prone to nightmare. I don't remember the last time I had one.

I don't know how dreams work.  I also have difficulties in decoding my own dreams.  I have dictionaries on dreams.  I note my dreams.  I know how to decode dreams and images.  I just freeze when it is time to do it.  It seems that I need outside input to see more that the tip of my nose.  Other seems to see things that I don't necessary see myself.

Another amazing feat dreamer can do is lucid dreaming.  In  a dream, the dreamer become conscious and can manipulate the events.  It had happened to me often.  I don't think it will stop.  It is not with every dreams but it can be enough for me to remember when I woke up.  It came to me quite easily.  I don't remember trying to experiment that.  I just wonder what would happened to those dreams if I wasn't conscious.  I don't found a way to stop that from happening.  I never see any tips on how to avoid this situation.  People seems to be more interested in becoming lucid dreamers.  It makes me feel that I am a step ahead.  There was many occasions where I was, so nothing new.

There are times when I wake up feeling upside up.  My dreams life may interfere with that feeling.  It isn't a nightmare.  There takes me much to make me panic or scared in dreamland.  Dreams are powerful stuff.  I think dreams may comes to play with emotions, in my case.  Maybe this is another facet of my mind and how it is working...

Monday, 14 July 2014

Minoan art

 Recently, I spoke of the Chauvet cave. (;postID=1193871759634996639;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=9;src=postname).  Old art work like this is quite fascinating.  It seems to speak on a primal level.  The prehistoric art is not the only one that have a curve appeal to me.  There is also the Minoans.  They have quite a vivid colorful painting.  They painted on their walls.  Here some example:

They had their own way with the brushes.  It was different from other culture of the time.  I like their choice of color.  It put some vividness to the subject they depicted.  It seems to come alive.  What astonish me the most is the human representation.  They seems to be more real than a picture.  There are profile, as in Egyptian art but it is different.  In Minoan painting, it seems to be a bit more refined.  I still like the Egyptian art but they seems to lack something that Minoan had successfully captured.

 I wonder if there is a connection between the Minoans and the Etruscans.  The Minoans were mainly in Crete.  Etruscans were in the north of Italy.  I think they weren't been around in the same time.  Both have vivid pictures.  The theme isn't quite the same.  The Etruscans seems interested in banquets.  The Minoans have more variety in their images.  Both have a beautiful palette of colors.  There are some very intense colors.  Here some images of Etruscans:

Ancient art have something very appealing.  I don't know why they appeal to me.  Is it a sense of mysteries.  The prehistoric cave Chauvet, the Minoans and the Etruscans are very mysterious.  Of the three, I think we know a bit more from the Minoans.  Even with that, we don't know all .  They mainly left beautiful work of art.  It deserve to be admired.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Old structure

Sometimes, there are free standing structures that seems out of place, out of nowhere or from the past.  I know of some of those places.  A chimney alone and on a mountain top, basement walls in a forest, a well surrounded by trees and near a lake.

It is a bit mysterious.  It makes me wonder.  Why are they standing where they are standing.  There isn't any oral stories about them that I know.  None that I have heard.  No ones seems to know, if I asked.  I don't know where to search to get answers.  I could go to the town hall but don't know how to identify those isolated land mark.  No way to discover the truth.

On the other hand, that kind of mystery open a door.  It is great for creating a story. No frame, no limit, total freedom.  The only explanation I have to give is the state of the place at the end.  The house have to get destroyed at the end, one way or another.  With a little bit of imagination, I can come up with a story.  The starting points is a house, for sure.  People can have built that house and live in it.    can come up on how and when people comes, how they build the house.  The rest is open.

It is a gold mine and a good starting point for a story.  Now, time for a good brainstorming session.  Too bad I don't have any picture of those places...

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Painting and inspiration

It's been a while since I saw a certain painting.  It is been commissioned to a painter.  The person who commissioned the painting don't have painting talent.  She is crafty in her own ways, in other area.  She work marvel on old furniture, for example.  She can sand and stain those furniture.  An ordinary person like her can have a great idea without having the creative gift.  She had a great idea.  She wanted to put two separate photos together, in one painting.  The two photos had a special significance.

I was there when the person received the finished painting.  The painter said he had put his personal  touch to the commissioned piece.  It was nothing new to me.  I knew better in that area.  Each artist put his own spin in each creation.  It is the signature of the artist, in a way.  What had stunned me at the time is commissioning a work of art.  I though it was done in the past only and only by rich people, like aristocrats.

That part was a bit of a eye opener.  It can be done even in our modern world.  As having the idea of putting two photos together.  Thinking of it, I wonder if  the two photos can be put together numerically.  At the time of the painting, I don't think it could be done.  Not as easily as today.   In addition, there is one photo in black and white.  The other is in colors.  Maybe it can be possible to turn both photos in one or other version.  It worth a try or to get informed about it.

I think is is a first for me: getting an idea from the idea of another person.  It would be fun to investigate that further, when tme will be more available.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Getting more elaborate with inspiration

Being in the shower put me in a state of relaxation.  That let me get in a good state for the spring of inspiration to flow.  The process is not always a conscious one.  I often sense the well of inspiration.  I don"t always sense that I am in a more relaxed and receptive mood.

Recently, I realized the bathroom can have an impact on the inspiration.  A small cramped white bathroom seems to inspire strait and bare idea.  They seems martial in their content.    It seems that surrounding put my mind in going for the essential part if the idea.  The idea isn't totally fleshed out.  It need more development and maturation, in general.

A bigger, more elaborate bathroom bring another type of idea.  I may be in a deeper state of relaxation.  Elements of the decoration can also be a source of inspiration.  I like to focus on those elements.  It focus my mind.  Pattern of tiles are great for my focus.  Strange just how the surrounding can affect us.

I like to become conscious on how my mind work.  It help understand myself.  It also help me better understand why my mind is working that way, in getting great ideas.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

How strange can be the universe be (about gems)

There are various gems that I like.  Lapis lazuli and obsidian are in the top of my list.  They are sure to attract me in gems shows.  I like to work with them.  I often end buying them.  I think I have bought more obsidian than lapis.  I must admit that they are pretty equal in my heart anyway.

Earlier I found an article (  Don't know if it is still active).  It is about a white dwarf that is very cold.  It's carbon content had turned into a diamond.  Hard to believe it can happen in space.  There must have a lot of pressure there.  It isn't mentioned in the short article.  This is one of the time I wished the article can be longer, with more information.  I haven't seen much on gems from space.  It would have been great to talk about it.  I would like to know if it is a common occurrence.   I also want to know if there is a lot of various gems out there.  It would be also great to be able to mine those out of this world gems. I think it would be a good sales pitch: "Buy a space gem!"

Thinking of it, it would be a good source for a space story.  It would be good to read about a story with gems mining as a background.  Or it could be a motive to get out in space.  It could help finance the cost of space travel.  I think I am getting an idea on that.  Nothing firm but I am starting thinking.  It could be the source for a great idea for science fiction.  I don't have a story in mind right now.  I think it is more a starting point.  I will have to let it mature a bit.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Not a gamer but...

I am not a gamer but there are a few games that can help brainstorming ideas for writing.
My first example is Sid Meyer's Civilization series.  For more info: ( and (
I was introduced to the game by a college fellow.  At my first try, I score high.  Never attained that score again but I was hooked.  I think it can be a good tool to see how a civilization can evolve and interact with other.  It is a kind of simulator for civilization.  There are various way to win.  For example, in Civilization II, there the option of being beat up, beat all other civilizations, go into space before the others and attain a certain year (2010 or 2020, if not mistaken.  Something like that).

It is great for writing.  It can give more to fantasy and science fiction.  While playing, there are some parameter that can be tried.  After that, the results can be use in for an world of fantasy.  The map can be used too.  The names of cities and civilization can be changed.

Sid Meyer also made Alpha Centauri, a game (  There was also a book trilogy based on that.
It can be used like the civilization series.  Instead of civilization, there are factions.  I find ideology fun to work with. There was also broils that could attack.  Alliance with other factions.  Some factions weren't good allies, as being opposite each other.

Inspiration can be found in some weird places!