Monday, 23 September 2019

I got the thin weaving sticks!

 There is a difference between thin and thick.  Here they are side by side:

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Next Step: doing my own design

I made a drawing on sheet of paper with square on them:
I know, it is an cartonny frog head.  It is my design.  I tried to do it and it is the result.  It is not the best one but it is a start.  I feel a bit more confident to do more of my own design.  I apply to perler beads (also known as ironing beads)
Here are recent ironing beads projects I had done recently:

 The first photo are with my most recent ironing beads peg boards.  I also have two fail, again at the step of ironing:

So, the fail on the ironing step is nothing new under the sun, I think I can go to  the same direction as for the frog: to the step of my own design.  I just have to find what to do and the colours.  I don't know if it will be succesful, I will tried anyway.  I must try on the practical side, to see if my mind can translate on the concrete result.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

A painting with two inspiration

A painting can have interesting sources of inspiration.  Here is a painting:
This particuliar painting have two source of inspiration for it.  The house and the car are the two elements that were required to be present on this painting. 

I think the car comes up from this photo:
I forgot to take a photo that is the original for the house.  I don't know how the person that asked for this painting to be painted, had the idea to require the painting in having a car and a house.  I just like the idea of having two inspirations for a painting.

Monday, 2 September 2019

Painting on Rock Kit

I purchased a kit for painting on rock:

The content of the box:
I added a few rocks, two of those to be exact:

First batch of painted rocks:

I ried to do a strawberry on a rock, not at my best:
Second batch:
I also tried to transfer some decalque but not success, of course, I tired of it quite quickly.  The sheets of decalque are now in the recycling bin:
In addition,I haven't cover well enough the floor and there is some signs of it there.  So, I feel the result is quite mixed up.  I haven't been much careful, I am not sure of the results but I gained more confidence for the second batch and I enjoyed it a little bit more.    If I try it a second time, I will try not to stress as much as this first try.  I want to do this kind of project rather quickly and I rush to do it, feeling stressed out to finish everything as quick as I can.  The second thing that I will do: not buying a kit.  The kit was nice and it was a good way to try painted rocks.  Now, I feel having enough experience to go on my own and choosing the paint and the rocks myself, from now on.

Thursday, 29 August 2019

Children are on something

When it comes to creativity, many children may be on something.  A child I know took some cardboard from a box and draw on it:
So, it doesn't need much to feed a child creativity.  An upper notch is to give them pencils and paper and they are on to have fun.    When it comes to drawing, it is fun to let them free.  No need to draw shoes brown and follow all the colours that are on clothes too close of reality.  Children should be able to choose the colours they put on the paper.  When it comes to colouring, all is possible.  There are other times to get serious.  Colouring should be fun and without constraint.

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

New Store, New Purchasse, New Opportunities!

I have decided to go to a new store.  That store had been opened for a long time but I never had the chance to go.  Now, after all this time, I decided to make the time to go there.  Here is what I found and purchased:
I got all this for a good price.  I am also happy to have found rings to do some chainwork.  This is why I took so much of them, in various colours.  I found a few interesting stone cabochon.  Here are the details and close up of what I had purchased:

Monday, 26 August 2019

Re-Hooked to latching hook!

I thought that I had been throught pretty much all the latching hooks kit that interested me.  I have to admit that I was wrong.  I found this kit:
It look cute. It is not a big one but it mean nothing.  The only sure thing: I don't think to have a mix up into the colours of yarns!  It should not take too long to make.  I didn't thought I would do another kit but here it is!  Never say Never!  Now, I have learned that going in a different store, it lead to different discoveries.

Now, I think I won't let the door closed.  I am thinking of searching a little bit harder for other kits to try.  I think it is worth it.  There is more possibilities out there than I thougth!

Thursday, 22 August 2019

The art of nice handwriting

Pens and pencils are part of what I have.  I need them quite often.  It is a need because I write a lot.  One kind of pen that I like are those kind:
I got my first one of this kind when I was a teenager.  Since, I have period where I use them and then, I return to more usual pen.  Those pens abofe are more durable. The ink comes in cartridges.  The part that I like less: it is becoming a bit harder, with time, to find the cardridge.  Or I may not looking at the right place.  I don't mind having a brief period to get at ease to use them again.  I just like the writing it is leaving.  It is my handwriting but with those pens, I feel I have a far more elegant writing than with other pens.  In some period of time, I like to feel fancy when I write!

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Resin -- Discovery

I like this resin:
I found that the pouch kit is new.  I am curious to test it!  I usually use the bottles ones.
I also found a darker resin kit that I want to try:
I never saw this hue before, so I will have much fun using those resin.  I like making that kind of discovery.  I just have to be careful with the mixing.  Both have to be carefully measure.  If not, it stay sticky or it may not set into form.

Monday, 19 August 2019

I have seen too big for a first try!

I have found a weaving loom that I could use with the fine yarn that I have:

It is a nice package.  I am ready to try it.  Here the set up I made:
 The problem?  I had see too big for a first try.  The first error: I connected the two loom parts together.  The secon error was putting too much yarn on the shuttle.  It is a bit tricky to pass it right at the beginning.  Here is the shaft:

The possitive part: I start to get the knack of it and the rows are stacking up easily even if the yarn is rather fine:
The weaved part is more now. I had stacked a few more row since.  Not easy to weave with a double loon.  I have a bit more difficulties with  the two separators.  I may be missing something here.  The instructions are not specifics for doing the weaving with two looms side by side.  I am leaning anyway.  It is nice to try this loom anyway, even if I saw more than I can chew!

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Some purchase and discovery

First, I think I have found an alternative on the thin weaving sticks:
It is a weaving loom.  I did 3 stores and didn't found the thin weaving sticks, so I found the weaving loom instead and I will see if it is worthwile.  I also found darker resin:
I also found clear ones, well for those in a pouch, it is new.  The bottle one isn't new to me:

I bought some forms that I didn't have for fusible beads:
I found a nice cartridge pen:
I will have to buy more cartridge for this pen.  I just love writing with this kind of pen.  At first, it take some time to get use to write with it.  After that, the pen glide so effortlessly!  It feel divine!