Thursday, 30 June 2016

To miss someone when he is gone

I can declare that many people that I liked in my youth are going eat dandelion by the roots.  I discovered Bud Spencer in the 80ties with Banana Joe (  Death is natural.  If there are no death, there is no life.  Both need each other to be defined. It is just sad for his family.  Death is the hardest for families.  They have lost a love one.

I haven't thought of this person in a long time.  His death remind me about many scenes of his movies, well the ones I had seen.  It remind me that a person is often missed at his death.  Death also bring unity and good comments, generally.  The bad is less common in those case except if the concerned person had been really bad and really totally evil.

On the other hand, there are a few people that I thought were dead but weren't.  No film no see.  Or being in retirement put people out of sight.  Well, when there is no news on some celebrities, they are out of the loop and people don't think about those celebrities.  So, this is why death news can be surprising.  I didn't knew he was still alive.  What truly bother me most is the buzz and the hype after the death.  Some people get their pocket filled with money on fans.  This kind of behavior is deep implanted, in the past, it was done.   I think it was common with artists and painters.  I guess it is from there that the myth of the poor artist began.  I hope this phenonenom will be limited for Bud Spencer.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

An nice surprise

I had a period of my life where I was into poetry.  I had put some on a website, to be exact.  Since then, I have shifted to writing stories.  I guess that poetry is an phase that people goes through before going to more lenghty texts.  I kind of forgot that phase of my literaly life.  Until yesterday.  I had received a few commentaries on some poems.  It had been a while since last time it happened.  I have not invested much time on that site.  Maybe I should.

It feel nice when getting comment when it is not expected.  On the other hand, I wonder.  For sure, I won't expect further unexpected commentaries.  Until now, they are few and far apart.  I also don't post new writing material often.  So, it doesn't help.  It been a while that I have posted commentaries.  There was a period where I was writing a bit more often.  It was not big texts.  I kind of miss that auto discipline.  I was able to sit down and write.  It wasn't always easy but I was able to do it.

I am tempted to return into that self discipline.  The motivation: to let the creative juice flowing.  When an area of creativity do well, the rest follow.  Well, it is how it is work for me.  This time, I think to learn from the past.  I am thinking of take some promps to jumpstart my writing.  A few subjects too.  I want to be sure to be able to go straight to what matter most: writing.  I don't want to waste time finding a topic or searching for inspiration on other website or in books.  I think it will be a good start.  For the rest, I will see how well I will do.  It will be a time to make adjustment.  I may encounter other problems this time around...

Monday, 27 June 2016

What my beef?

I did it again.  I didn't think and I was gone so fast that I forgot about a piece of equipment for my point and shot camera.  I didn't expected that my battery was so low until I needed it.  I was lucky, I had my other more cumbersome camera.  So, I could take a few more photos.  Once back, I recharged the battery for the smaller camera and now, I am good to go for a while.

Now, I do have my lesson.  I won't forget about the batteries for my cameras.  I just feel a bit dumb for having forgot about it.  From now on, I will less prone fo forget about it but it still annoy me.  It was to be expected.  I wonder why the charger wasn't with the rest of the smaller camera as it was for the bigger one.

For that kind of event, I am more of the type of happy-go-lucky.  I try to think about everything and end up going out in a hurry without having a second look.  The second look is a must when going out but I am often in a hurry, so I had sometimes ended up forgot about an item.  It is something that I should sort out and eliminate from my life.  I do have some little tricks like preparing myself in advance.  I better get more proeficient at it.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

To discover Mythology. in image

I am waiting for the next installement of The Olympians (  It will be on Artemis.  Zeus, Héra, Athena, Aphrodite, Hades, Posseidon, Ares and Apollo had been covered so far.  It cover Greek mythology very well.  Now, if I could find something similar for the Nordic and Japanese mythos, I would be happy!  I find Japanese mythology a bit misterious.  I haven't grasp the subtlety yet.

I think that retelling those myths contribute to our culture.  There are fantasy element (Pegasus), an attempt at science (even if they had missed the mark by far on some of their explanations like for hermaphrodite/intersex) and inspiration for some modern concept (Apphrodisiac, Erotic, the Labyrinth of the Minotor, I don't agree totally on Oedipus complex because of the original version of the story but Freud had choosen that story...)

I like when people makes things look easy.  With the Olympians, I enjoy reading those graphic stories.  I am no more an beginner when it comes to Greek Mythology but I learned a few new elements.  A few years ago, I did an introduction on Greek Mythology and I took the cards from the Olympus Tarot ( and  I have used them as a support, to let the audience grasp the relationship of the various deities.  I had put the cards like a genealogy tree (well, the best I could).  It was fun doing that. I would like to give that introduction again, just for the fun of it.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Do I take too much creative projects on me?

I am in a period where I question a few things.  One of them is: Do I take too much creative projects on me?  I have a lot of ideas for stories, I am working on many of those ideas and stories.  I am doing jewelry making when I have some times and ideas.  I makes soap with soap base (no merit with soap bases).  I have started embroidery.  I want to return to painting and I have made a return to woodburning.  I had done a few projects where I painted in a few woodburning projects.  I have a lot of material for various projects.  So, I don't have reason to be bored.  I also have new ideas coming in a various pace.

So, is it me that have too much on my plate or I don't invest time and effort to all my ideas.  It is a reccurrent thing with me.  It is a balance with other obligations.  I would like to have some kind of vacation to get a few of those projects done.  I have to find my foothing again.  It seems to be a period where I gain balance and a good pace.  I end up loosing that pace and there is a period of chaotic mess.  That cycle goes round.

I may be much too much obsessed with my creative life.  I have a lot in my system that I want get into a concrete form.  I seems too slow, not fast enough.  Translating ideas into reality can be an hard period.  It is not a case of laziness.  It is just a case of having my mind going faster than putting it on paper.  I will have a brainstorming on how to get rid of this problem.  Another way to help me would be to stop buying material and start doing,

Monday, 20 June 2016

Summer Polar Bear

Polar Bear can be the real deal or it can be the people who goes to the beach in winter to take a dip into the water.  I would be game enough to try the second option.  Call me crazy but can I have the liberty to go wild?  It does not endanger anyone else.  I am free to try it, to see if I would like it.  No try, no gain.  If I don't try it, I won't know if I like it or not.  It is on my bucket list and my bucket list is not that long.  I am a bit of an adventurous.  So, doing some dip in cold water would be my kind of thing.  I agree it is not everyone cup of tea.

I can't try it right now, except if I go to the southern hemisphere.  I live up and north, so I will have to wait a few months before be able to do it.  In addition, I don't know if there is a group near me.  It is the kind of info that I wish were more available or of common knowledge.  For sure, those who are doing this are very brave.

Another thing that would be great: summer polar bear.  It could be a training group for the real deal of the winter.  I am sure it is not accessible for everyones without some experience under his/her belt.  Hence comes the training.  Of course, I think it is not reccomended to go into the cold in an hot summer day.  If there was no limitation, I would go for a pool full of ice and short stay in the water.  What would be the next best thing: a interior pool full of ice.  The area of the interior pool should be under control and cooler than outside.  So, the transition from hot to cool and vice versa would be done gradually.

Well, can I dream of cold in a hot summer day?  I am not a summer person.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Conspiracy theories

I feel a bit ambiguous about conspiracy theories.  When proven to be true, it is amazing.  Amazing that some people tried to hide it and that other were able to prove it.  On the other hand, there are some conspiracy theories makes me wonder if they aren't just fancies of the mind, to play and to test people, to see if they would gobble anything throwed in the air.

I must also say that conspiracy theories can be a creative act.  It demand a lot of imagination to examine a case and come on with a theory, proven or not.  So, the people who come with those conspiracy probably have a blast in creating those conspiracy.  Coming with some propositions pointing at dark secrets is fine in itself.  I dislike when it become a dogma.

Would be nice to be able to distinguish between legitimate conspiracy theories and those less credible.  Meanwhile, I enjoy the imagination of those theories leaving the possibility of reality for later.  There are an area of mysteries about those conspiracy.  We may never know if they are real or not.  Maybe some people need to hold on to them for whatever reasons.  Do I believe in them?  I am ill equiped to say yes or no.  They are and I don't feel the right to judge them.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Scotty, the miracle worker in Star Trek

I think I overcrowd my days.  I don't know if I overestimates, especially on the week ends.  This past week ends, I wanted to do some mod melt (, soap, some cleaning chores and some minors things.  Didn't happened entirely.  I didn't had time for the soap.

So, one of the minor things I wanted to do is going to the post office for a parcel.  As I waited in line, I saw an add about some Star Trek stamps.  Scotty was there.  It made me thinking.  I need to better evaluate the time it takes me to do some projects.  It is where Scotty comes in.  He may be only a fictional character in a fictional science fiction tv show but he had something interesting.  His repairs were done at the most critical moment, where the crew needed it the most.  I think it was in his episode in Star Trek: The Next Generation where he told Geordie his secret: Scotty always multiple by 2 the time needed to do repairs.  So, as the rest of his crewmates were tipping toward despair and need, he was there to save the day at the right time.

I am tempted to go by this principle.  Could be useful if there is delay.  My problem: I need to know how long it will takes me to do what I want to do.  So many variable.  For example, for doing soap, it depend on how many soap bases I have.  I know the longuest is to melt them and there is not really a set time to do that.  I must admit that it is a bit easier for the mod melt.  For four package, I can say that it's takes an good part of the afternoon.  It is the second time that I makes them with four packages and it took a while to do it.

I guess that it end up doing it for the best and start early...

Monday, 13 June 2016

It seems so easy and getting ispired

I admire people who know their stuff and know how to explain it.  It seems to go with the flow.  In addition, those people can inspire other people in various ways.  Today, I got my ah-ha moment while listening to this video:
It is an outlout for the week using a divinatory tool : Le Lenormand.  What I found interesting in this video is one topic that intesrest me: creativity.  It is how I would resume what is said in this reading.  It is about ideas, creativity and letting it out in various ways.  I found this inspiring.

I am in a creative period in my life and this video got me excited.  It makes me feel I am in the right way even if it is not addressed to me specifically.  Also, I am not quite ready to let all my brainstorming out yet but it stimulate me more on my path.

I don't know how some people are able to makes it look so easy.  A lot of practice?  Some inner gift?  Being minded and at ease to speak about a topic?  Well, I think I will probably have to look deeper into that!

Thursday, 9 June 2016

projects' obsession

I must admit something: I am obsessed by some projects.  It also appy to some new technique that I learn. I have periods where I have those obsessions.  I think about it, doing it, doing some research.  It is in my system for a while.  It can vary but I have it for a period of time before it fade away.  At this point, it get out of my life, as if I had my fill.  I usually have a time where it becomre like anything else, on a more normal and healthy level.  I may stop that for a while before it come back in my life but less intense than in the beginning.

I don't know why I have those intense feeling on some projects.  It can also be ideas for writing.  It can be helpful in develop some ideas.  I had noticed that when I am strongly feeling about an idea, the story develop a little bit faster, by leap and leap steps.  Well, it is usually some scenes and they grow on their own, in an organic way.  It seems to be more harmonious than usual.

My main problem, especially for stories, it form quickly in my mind.  I have to take note of it.  After that, I am not quick enough to write more in detail as ideas form in my mind.  My mind is quicker than my body.  It is frustrating.  I don't know how I could be quicker.  A voice recorder could be the solution.  The part of putting it on paper stay the same.

Would be nice for my mind to hit me like a brick for a solution...

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

There should day in the week for (insert leasure or craft)

I think there should be a day, each week dedicated totally for leasure or crafting.    On that day, activities could be offered or there should have free time to do a or a few crafts.  I would have a blast in those kind of day.  There is some good aspect for that kind of activities.  Having a day wholy dedicated for that would be even better.

I would pack that kind of day with many activities: first, thing in the morning, a massage.  Could be an hot stone massage.  I don't know if I will grow tired of it but I definitively want another one badly after the first one I had a few weeks ago.  After that, some soap making.  It would be a group activity.  In the afternoo, I would do some jewelry making and maybe a bit of embroidery.  Again, it could be a group activity.  In the evening, I would do some writing and some revision.  This would be an alone activity.  The day would end in a short meditation.

This kind of day would be a perfect day.  I don't know if I will be able to attain this kind of day.  Of course, I could change an activity or two, to adapt to my needs and the projects that I have or wish to do.  I also could learn something new craftwise too by taking a class.  Of course, having access to crafting classes would be an extra interesting bonus.  Well, don't know if I will attain that one day but it is something I would like to try, to see if could work as I envision it.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Cloud gathering

I am in a period where I have much of my mind into the cloud.  Maybe too much.  I forget to have a foot into reality.  It is hard to stay a foot in both realm.  I haven't be able to attain that yet.  But when I hit the cloud gathering and brain storming period, I try to get the most of it.  Usually, it is pretty productive.  I usually end up with some ideas and projects to do.

Right now, I would like to get influenced by forest.  Forest had always play an important part in my fiction.  I would like to do a fiction story entirely in a forest.  So, I am working on that.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Nature cover up

An update on the ugliest trees I ever saw.  Here are the two culprits:
The house is irrelevant.  The two trees are the real sign of the ugly in this photo.  The trunks are the most horrific trunk I ever saw.  No swelte elegance in them.  They have many bumpy clumps that disfigure them.  I really don't want to have them where I live.

Now, I have a updated photo with them.  Leaves cover the clumpy part:

I took the two photos from two different angles.  I wanted to show that the trunks are pretty much hidden under the leaves.    The leaves hides much of the trunks, making them barely visible.  It mask the ugliness.from visible sight.  It is amazing how nature have it's own ugliness and a way to camouflage it.